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Created March 16, 2017 13:39
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package db_pg_contact
import (
// log ""
// appendToQuery appends the given piece with its args to an existing query.
// - `conditions` is a list of WHERE conditions which are assumed to be joined
// with `AND`.
// - `args` is a list of query arguments (so, every `$1` in a query has a matching
// element in `args`).
// - `i` is a total number of query arguments (it's used to determine if we are
// `$1` or `$2` or `$3` or more).
// - `cond` is the new condition to be appended to `conditions` with `arg`
// being its arguments. It's expected to be a fmt-formatted string with
// placeholders for the digits, and their number is expected to match
// `arg` count. For example, if `cond` is `date IS BETWEEN $%v AND $%v`
// we'd expect exactly 2 arguments in `arg`.
func appendToQuery(conditions *[]string, args *[]interface{}, i *uint64, cond string, arg ...interface{}) {
nums := make([]interface{}, 0, len(arg))
for _ = range arg {
nums = append(nums, *i)
*conditions = append(*conditions, fmt.Sprintf(`(`+cond+`)`, nums...))
*args = append(*args, arg...)
// limitToQuery constructs a WHERE clause from the given limiter.
// This code should be reasonably fast, but here's an idea how to make it even
// faster: store not conditions but the whole query in array and join it
// with `strings.Join()`.
func limitToQuery(l contact.Limiter, loc *time.Location, t time.Time) (ret string, args []interface{}) {
conditions := make([]string, 0, 30)
args = make([]interface{}, 0, 30)
i := uint64(0)
if l.Ids != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `id = ANY($%v::bigint[])`, l.Ids.ToQueryString())
if l.IdsNot != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `NOT( id = ANY($%v::bigint[]) )`, l.IdsNot.ToQueryString())
if l.ProjectID != 0 {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `project = $%v`, l.ProjectID)
if l.Projects != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `project = ANY($%v::integer[])`, l.Projects.ToQueryString())
if l.RedialAfter != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `redial_at >= $%v`, *l.RedialAfter)
if l.RedialBefore != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `redial_at <= $%v`, *l.RedialBefore)
if l.RedialEmpty == true {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `redial_at IS NULL`)
if l.Quotas != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `quotas @> $%v::bigint[]`, l.Quotas.ToQueryString())
if l.DeprecatedState != contact.StatusUnknown {
l.States = dbtypes.UintSlice{uint64(l.DeprecatedState)}
if l.States != nil && len(l.States) > 0 {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `state = ANY($%v::bigint[])`, l.States.ToQueryString())
if l.Statuses != nil && len(l.Statuses) > 0 {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `status = ANY($%v::bigint[])`, l.Statuses.ToQueryString())
if l.TzMin != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `tz_offset >= $%v`, *l.TzMin)
if l.TzMax != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `tz_offset <= $%v`, *l.TzMax)
if l.LocaltimeMin != nil || l.LocaltimeMax != nil {
// default 00:00-24:00
var limmin = uint(0)
var limmax = uint(1440)
if l.LocaltimeMin != nil {
limmin = *l.LocaltimeMin
if l.LocaltimeMax != nil {
limmax = *l.LocaltimeMax
res := timeLim(limmin, limmax, t.In(loc))
tq := ""
tzArgs := make([]interface{}, 0, 4)
for x := 0; x < len(res); x += 2 {
if x != 0 {
tq += ` OR `
tq += `(tz_offset BETWEEN $%v AND $%v)`
tzArgs = append(tzArgs, res[x])
tzArgs = append(tzArgs, res[x+1])
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, tq, tzArgs...)
if l.FieldsAny != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `fields && $%v::integer[]`, l.FieldsAny.ToQueryString())
if l.FieldsAll != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `fields @> $%v::integer[]`, l.FieldsAll.ToQueryString())
// limit by tries count
if l.TriesMin != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `tries >= $%v`, *l.TriesMin)
if l.TriesMax != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `tries <= $%v`, *l.TriesMax)
// limit by latest call time
if l.LatestCallFrom != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `latest_call_time >= $%v`, *l.LatestCallFrom)
if l.LatestCallTo != nil {
appendToQuery(&conditions, &args, &i, `latest_call_time < $%v`, *l.LatestCallTo)
// Finalize
for idx, cond := range conditions {
if idx == 0 {
ret += " WHERE "
} else {
ret += " AND "
ret += cond
if l.Limit != 0 {
ret += fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT $%v", i)
args = append(args, l.Limit)
// log.WithField("sql", ret).WithField("args", args).Warn("Composed query")
// timeLim retrieves border timings for contacts' local time
// (in minutes) and returns real limiting tuples.
// accepts time at TZ at which the clients' timezones are stored.
func timeLim(lower, upper uint, now time.Time) []int {
var nowMins int
nowMins = (now.Hour()*60 + now.Minute())
lima := int(lower) - nowMins
limb := int(upper) - nowMins
// <|--| |--time----|>
if limb > 720 {
return []int{-720, (limb - 1440), lima, 720}
// <|--| time |-----|>
if lima < -720 {
return []int{-720, limb, (1440 + lima), 720}
// overlapping lims {{{
if limb < -720 {
return []int{lima, (1440 + limb)}
if lima > 720 {
return []int{(lima - 1440), limb}
if lima > limb {
if lima < 0 || limb < 0 {
return []int{-720, limb, lima, 720}
return []int{-720, limb, (720 - lima), 720}
// }}}
// < |---time---| >
return []int{lima, limb}
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