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Last active May 12, 2017 02:22
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Learning bash to obstinately access strava's API
#! /bin/bash
# heres the plan:
# - call strava w/ the max page size until we have all of our activities
# - as we come across a new id (not in the ".processed" file) we pull down its laps from strava
# - once we have the laps append them to the "data" file
# - append the completed id to the ".processed" file
touch data/strava/data
touch data/strava/.processed
# remove any previously processing file and create a fresh copy
rm -f data/strava/.processing
touch data/strava/.processing
# we are gonna record the ids we process overall (.processed) and the ids we are currently processing (.processing)
while [ $COUNT -eq 200 ]; do
# 200 per page seems to be the most strava will give me..... loop until we get less than 200 results......
IDS=$(curl -s -G -d access_token=$STRAVA_ACCESS_TOKEN -d "per_page=200" -d "page=$PAGE" | jq '.[].id')
COUNT=$(echo "$IDS" | wc -l)
echo Page: $PAGE. Activities: $COUNT
# we're going to throw the ids into a file and keep on accumulating
echo "$IDS" >> data/strava/.processing
let "PAGE++"
# diff the lists of things we know we've processed with things we think we haven't.... loop over them
while read NEWID ; do
echo requesting activity $NEWID
curl -s -G -d access_token=$STRAVA_ACCESS_TOKEN$NEWID >> data/strava/data
echo "\n" >> data/strava/data
echo $NEWID >> data/strava/.processed
done < <(comm -13 <(sort data/strava/.processed) <(sort data/strava/.processing))
echo done
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