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Last active January 6, 2018 00:55
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Save m2mIO-gister/4288732 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Arduino Client for the platform. Handles provisioning an Arduino device to a user's account as well as publishing sensor values to the cloud platform.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
* Client App
* Client application for M2M platform.
* Client handles provioning as well as provides a template
* for publishing sensor data to the platform.
#define M2MIO_USERNAME "<insert username here>"
#define M2MIO_PASSWORD "<insert md5 hash of password here>"
#define M2MIO_DOMAIN "<insert domain from here - can be found on account tab>"
#define M2MIO_DEVICE_ID "<insert desired device id here - should be unique from your other devices>"
#define MQTT_SERVER ""
byte MAC_ADDRESS[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0D, 0x31, 0xB8 };
EthernetClient ethernetClient;
PubSubClient sensorClient(MQTT_SERVER, 1883, sensorCallback, ethernetClient);
PubSubClient provisionClient(MQTT_SERVER, 1883, provisionCallback, ethernetClient);;
char clientID[50];
char topic[50];
char msg[50];
// jumper pin
// (tie to ground to provision device on startup)
// (leave floating for normal sensor mode)
int jPin = 0;
// potentiometer sensor pin
int potPin = 5;
// variables to store current time (millis)
// used to control frequency of sensor reporting
unsigned long now = 0;
unsigned long sentTime = 0;
// flag to keep track of provisioning message sent (only send one)
boolean provisionMsgSent = false;
// device mode
// true = provisioning device to user on platform
// upon bootup or reset device sends registration
// message to platform
// false = normal, sensor reporting mode
// device connects to platform and sends a sensor
// value to the platform at a configurable interval
boolean provisioningMode = 0;
void setup()
// init serial link for debugging
// setup potentiometer pin
pinMode(potPin, INPUT);
// read jumper to determine mode (provisioning / normal)
pinMode(jPin, INPUT);
if (analogRead(jPin) < 50) {
Serial.println("Entering Provisioning Mode");
provisioningMode = true;
} else {
Serial.println("Entering Sensor Mode");
provisioningMode = false;
// initialize ethernet library
if (Ethernet.begin(MAC_ADDRESS) == 0)
Serial.println("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP");
if (provisioningMode) {
// Device is in provisioning mode:
// 1. create MQTT client for provisioning
// 2. configure enrollment message and topic
// 3. (message is sent later in loop())
String clientIDStr = M2MIO_DEVICE_ID;
clientIDStr.toCharArray(clientID, clientIDStr.length()+1);
String topicStr = "public/enroll/";
topicStr.toCharArray(topic, topicStr.length()+1);
String enrollMsg = "{\"type\":\"Arduino\",\"mac\":\"";
enrollMsg.toCharArray(msg, enrollMsg.length()+1);
} else {
// Device is in sensor mode:
// 1. create MQTT client for publishing sensor data
// 2. configure sensor topic
// 3. (messages are sent later in loop())
String clientIDStr = "Arduino/";
clientIDStr.toCharArray(clientID, clientIDStr.length()+1);
String topicStr = M2MIO_DOMAIN;
topicStr.toCharArray(topic, topicStr.length()+1);
void loop()
now = millis();
if (!provisioningMode) {
// sensor mode
// 1. If not connected to MQTT broker --> connect
// 2. If time to publish:
// - get sensor reading
// - build payload with sensor value
// - publish to platform
if (!sensorClient.connected()) {
sensorClient.connect(clientID, M2MIO_USERNAME, M2MIO_PASSWORD);
// loop runs more frequently than we'd want to pubish
// only publish every "reporting interval" milliseconds
if ((now - sentTime) > REPORTING_INTERVAL_MS) {
sentTime = now;
// get sensor value
int levelReading = analogRead(potPin);
// build MQTT message payload
// messages need to be JSON encoded for
// data to be stored in the platform for later recall
String dataMsg = "{\"t\":";
dataMsg.toCharArray(msg, dataMsg.length()+1);
sensorClient.publish(topic, msg);
} else {
// provisioning mode
// 1. If not connected to MQTT broker --> connect
// 2. Publish provisioning message
if (!provisionClient.connected()) {
provisionClient.connect(clientID, M2MIO_USERNAME, M2MIO_PASSWORD);
// send the provisioning message (only once)
if (!provisionMsgSent) {
Serial.println("Sending provisioning message.");
provisionClient.publish(topic, msg);
provisionMsgSent = true;
// handles message arrived on subscribed topic(s)
// in this application we do not subscribe so this is a dummy method
void sensorCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { }
// handles message arrived on subscribed topic(s)
// in this application we do not subscribe so this is a dummy method
void provisionCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { }
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