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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Fun of Modular Implicits
module type Show = sig
type t
val show : t -> string
let show (implicit S : Show) x = x
module Show_instances = struct
implicit module Show_unit = struct
type t = unit
let show t = "()"
implicit module Show_int = struct
type t = int
let show t = string_of_int t
implicit module Show_float = struct
type t = float
let show t = string_of_float t
implicit functor Show_list (X : Show) = struct
type t = X.t list
let show t =
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
Buffer.add_char buf '[';
(fun x ->
if Buffer.length buf > 1 then
Buffer.add_string buf ", ";
Buffer.add_string buf ( x))
Buffer.add_char buf ']';
Buffer.contents buf
implicit functor Show_option (X : Show) = struct
type t = X.t option
let show = function
| None -> "None"
| Some x -> Printf.sprintf "Some %s" ( x)
module type Monad = sig
type 'a t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
implicit module Monad_list = struct
type 'a t = 'a list
let return x = [x]
let (>>=) t f = List.concat ( f t)
implicit module Monad_option = struct
type 'a t = 'a option
let return x = Some x
let (>>=) t f = match t with
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
let incrM (implicit M : Monad) x =
let open M in
x >>= fun y -> return (y + 1)
let () =
let open Show_instances in
print_endline (show ());
print_endline (show (incrM [1; 2; 3]));
let module Show_int_option = Show_option (Show_int) in
print_endline (show (implicit Show_int_option) (incrM None));
print_endline (show (incrM (Some 1)))
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