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Created July 27, 2010 06:02
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import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
data Env = Env { stack :: [Int]
, input :: [String]
, result :: Result }
type Eval = State Env
data Op = Push Int | Disp | Add | Sub | Mul | Div deriving Show
data Result = Value Int
| InvalidOp
| Empty
| NoInput
| None
deriving Show
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe s = case reads s of
((a, []):_) -> Just a
otherwise -> Nothing
readOp :: String -> Maybe Op
readOp "=" = Just Disp
readOp "+" = Just Add
readOp "-" = Just Sub
readOp "*" = Just Mul
readOp "/" = Just Div
readOp n = Push <$> readMaybe n
top :: Eval (Maybe Int)
top = get >>= return . listToMaybe . stack
pop :: Eval (Maybe Int)
pop = do
env <- get
case stack env of
[] -> return Nothing
(x:xs) -> put env { stack = xs } >> return (Just x)
push :: Int -> Eval ()
push n = modify $ \env -> env { stack = n:stack env }
apply :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Eval ()
apply f = (liftM2 . liftM2) f pop pop >>= maybe (answer Empty) (good . push)
good :: Eval a -> Eval a
good a = a >>= (\r -> answer None >> return r)
answer :: Result -> Eval ()
answer r = modify $ \env -> env { result = r }
evalOp :: Maybe Op -> Eval ()
evalOp (Just op) = evalOp' op
evalOp' (Push n) = good $ push n
evalOp' Disp = top >>= answer . maybe Empty Value
evalOp' Add = apply (+)
evalOp' Sub = apply (-)
evalOp' Mul = apply (*)
evalOp' Div = apply div
evalOp Nothing = answer InvalidOp
evalStep :: Eval ()
evalStep = do
env <- get
case input env of
[] -> answer NoInput
(x:xs) -> put env { input = xs } >> evalOp (readOp x)
main = interact (unlines . evalLoop . makeEnv)
evalLoop env = let env' = execState evalStep env
in case result env' of
Value n -> (show n):evalLoop env'
InvalidOp -> "Invalid operator":evalLoop env'
Empty -> "Empty stack":evalLoop env'
NoInput -> []
None -> evalLoop env'
makeEnv s = Env { stack = [], input = lines s, result = None }
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