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Created August 8, 2010 14:09
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import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Array.IO
import Control.Applicative
import Text.Parsec hiding ((<|>), many)
import Text.Parsec.String
import System.IO
import System.Environment
type Insn = Int
type Insns = UArray Int Insn
type Tape = IOUArray Int Word8
maxInsn :: Insn
maxInsn = 16
parser :: Parser [Insn]
parser = foldl1' (.) <$> many parser' <*> pure [0]
parser' = ((1:) <$ char '>')
<|> ((2:) <$ char '<')
<|> ((3:) <$ char '+')
<|> ((4:) <$ char '-')
<|> ((5:) <$ char ',')
<|> ((6:) <$ char '.')
<|> (id <$ noneOf "[]")
<|> ((\body c -> (length body)+maxInsn:body ++ c) <$> between (char '[') (char ']') parser)
eval :: [Insn] -> IO ()
eval insn_list = do
let insns = listArray (0, (length insn_list)-1) insn_list :: Insns
tape <- newArray (0, 29999) 0 :: IO Tape
eval' insns 0 tape 0 0 []
eval' :: Insns -> Int -> Tape -> Int -> Word8 -> [Int] -> IO ()
eval' insns pc tape ptr v stk =
case insns!pc of
0 -> case stk of
[] -> return ()
(x:xs) -> eval' insns x tape ptr v xs
1 -> do v' <- readArray tape p'
eval' insns pc' tape p' v' stk where p' = ptr+1
2 -> do v' <- readArray tape p'
eval' insns pc' tape p' v' stk where p' = ptr-1
3 -> do writeArray tape ptr v'
eval' insns pc' tape ptr v' stk where v' = v+1
4 -> do writeArray tape ptr v'
eval' insns pc' tape ptr v' stk where v' = v-1
5 -> do c <- getChar
let v' = toEnum $ ord c
writeArray tape ptr v'
eval' insns pc' tape ptr v' stk
6 -> do putChar $ chr (fromEnum v)
eval' insns pc' tape ptr v stk
n -> if v == 0
then eval' insns (pc' + (n-maxInsn)) tape ptr v stk
else eval' insns pc' tape ptr v (pc:stk)
where pc' = pc+1
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
(file:_) <- getArgs
result <- parseFromFile parser file
case result of
Left err -> print err
Right insns -> eval insns
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