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Created August 27, 2013 10:30
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Immutable Map implementation using Red-Black Tree in Haxe
private enum Color { Red; Black; }
private enum TreeT<T> {
Node(color: Color, left: TreeT<T>, label: T, right: TreeT<T>);
private class TreeF {
private function new() {}
public static function balance<T>(tree: TreeT<T>): TreeT<T> {
return switch (tree) {
case Node(Black, Node(Red, Node(Red, a, x, b), y, c), z, d)
| Node(Black, Node(Red, a, x, Node(Red, b, y, c)), z, d)
| Node(Black, a, x, Node(Red, Node(Red, b, y, c), z, d))
| Node(Black, a, x, Node(Red, b, y, Node(Red, c, z, d))):
Node(Red, Node(Black, a, x, b), y, Node(Black, c, z, d));
case _:
typedef MapT<K, V> = { tree: TreeT<{ key: K, value: V }>, comparator: K -> K -> Bool };
class Map {
private function new() {}
public static function create<K, V>(comparator: K -> K -> Bool): MapT<K, V> {
return { tree: Leaf, comparator: comparator };
public static function insert<K, V>(map: MapT<K, V>, key: K, value: V): MapT<K, V> {
function ins(tree: TreeT<{ key: K, value: V}>, comparator: K -> K -> Bool): TreeT<{ key: K, value: V}> {
return switch (tree) {
case Leaf: Node(Red, Leaf, { key: key, value: value }, Leaf);
case Node(color, left, label, right):
if (comparator(key, label.key))
TreeF.balance(Node(color, ins(left, comparator), label, right))
else if (comparator(label.key, key))
TreeF.balance(Node(color, left, label, ins(right, comparator)))
return switch (ins(map.tree, map.comparator)) {
case Leaf:
throw "Never reach here";
case Node(_, left, label, right):
{ tree: Node(Black, left, label, right), comparator: map.comparator };
public static function find<K, V>(map: MapT<K, V>, key: K): Null<V> {
function mem(tree: TreeT<{ key: K, value: V}>): Null<V> {
return switch (tree) {
case Leaf: null;
case Node(_, left, label, right):
if (map.comparator(key, label.key))
else if (map.comparator(label.key, key))
return mem(map.tree);
using Map;
class Test {
public static function main(): Void {
var m = Map.create(function (x, y) { return x < y; });
for (i in 0...10000) {
m = m.insert(i, i+1);
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