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Last active January 18, 2020 21:57
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# Hello. This is a commant, and as such
# getting ignored by the interpreter
# Types I -- Primitives
1 # This is an integer (int)
1.1 # This is a float (float)
"blah" # This is a string (str )
True # This is a boolean (bool)
None # This is not anything (NoneType)
""" This is a multi line string.
These are also commonly used
for comments, and for code
documentation in particular
# Assignment Operator
spam = 42
eggs = 'the meaning of life'
""" We can now access spam and eggs, and
get or set their respective values
ham = spam
# I / O
something = input('> ')
print('you entered', something)
# Comparison Operators
spam == 42, # True
spam > 0, # True
spam == eggs, # False
spam != eggs # True
# Arithmetic Operators
1 + 1, # 2
spam - 1, # 41
spam * spam # 1764
(1 + 1) / 3 # 0.6666666666666666
""" Other arithmetic operators are % (modulo),
** (power); for more esoteric functions
concerned with rounding and such please
have a look at the math library...
# Module Imports
import math
print(math.sqrt(9)) # 3
from math import pi
print(pi) # 3
from math import pi as weirdnumber
print(weirdnumber) # 3
# Logical Operators
not False, # True
True is False, # False
True is not False, # True
True and False, # False
False or True, # True
# Types II -- Casting
type(spam) == int, # True
float(spam), # 42.0
spam == '42', # False
str(spam) == '42', # True
spam == int('42') # True
# Lists
values = [1, 2, 3]
2 in values, # True
4 not in values, # True
len(values) # 3
print(values) # [1, 2, 3, 4]
print(values) # [4, 3, 2, 1]
last = values.pop()
print(last, values) # 1 [4, 3, 2]
values[2] = 42
values[0] = values[0] + values[1]
values, # [7, 3, 42]
values.index(42), # 2
values[-1], # 42
values[1:3], # [3, 42]
values[:2] # [7, 3]
# Control Flow I -- Conditionals
if int(something) in values:
print(something, 'is in', values)
elif something == eggs:
print(something, 'is not in', values, 'but it is', eggs)
print(something, 'is neither in', values, 'nor is it', eggs)
# Control Flow II -- Loops
while input('> ') != str(spam):
print('Please try again!')
while True:
guess = input('> ')
if not guess:
if int(guess) == spam:
print('Please try again!')
# Control Flow III -- Iteration
result = 0
for value in values:
result = result + value
print(result == sum(values)) # True
# Functions
def double(value):
""" A function can (but does not have to)
accept parameters that are again passed
as arguments, and accessible within the
scope of the function like regular
A function may also return a value
that is available to the caller just
like any other expression
return value + value
twenty = double(10)
print(twenty) # 20
print(double(spam)) # 84
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