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Last active August 26, 2016 15:51
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Some ideas for simply DOM helper functions
* Get an array (!) of elements in a given context
const find = (selector, context) =>
Array.from((context || document).querySelectorAll(selector));
* Create a new element and optionally initialize it
* with some content and attributes
const create = function(tagName, innerHTML, attributes) {
const element = document.createElement(tagName);
if (innerHTML && typeof innerHTML === 'string') {
element.innerHTML = innerHTML;
} else {
attributes = innerHTML;
if (!attributes) return element;
for (let attr in attributes) {
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
element.setAttribute(attr, attributes[attr]);
return element;
* Get the ancestor of an element that matches the
* selector
const next = function(element, selector) {
var parent = element.parentElement;
if (parent.matches(selector)) return parent;
if (parent === document.body) return null;
return next(parent, selector);
* Get the sibling elements of an element, optionally
* filtered by a selector
const siblings = function(element, selector) {
const nodes = Array.from(element.parentNode.childNodes);
return nodes.filter(
node => node instanceof Element
&& node !== element
&& node.matches(selector)
* Add some classes to an element or any iterable
* collection of elements
const addClass = function(element, ...classes) {
// Also account for collections of elements
if (element.length !== undefined) {
Array.from(element).forEach(current => addClass(current, ...classes));
} else {
* Replace an element or any iterable collection of elements
* with a clone of another element
const replace = function(newElement, oldElement, deep = true) {
const clone = newElement.cloneNode(deep);
if (oldElement.length !== undefined) {
return Array.from(oldElement).reduce(
(carry, current) => carry.concat(replace(newElement, current, deep)),
return [oldElement.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, oldElement)];
* Add event listeners, saves you typing 14 characters :-)
const on = function(element, event, callback, options = false) {
if (element.length !== undefined) {
Array.from(element).forEach(current => on(current, event, callback, options));
} else {
element.addEventListener(event, callback, options);
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m3g4p0p commented Aug 26, 2016

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <div class="foo">Foo</div>
  <div class="bar">Bar</div>
  <div class="bar">Bar</div>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    const link = create('a', 'foo', {href: '#'});

    replace(link, find('.bar'));

    on(find('a'), 'click', function() {
      addClass(siblings(this, 'div'), 'baz');

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