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Last active November 17, 2019 19:13
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"name": "transduce",
"version": "0.1.0",
"main": "transduce.js",
"license": "MIT",
"author": {
"name": "m3g4p0p"
export const pipe = (...fns) => value => fns.reduce((result, current) => current(result), value)
export const curry = fn => function accumulate () {
return arguments.length < fn.length
? accumulate.bind(this, ...arguments)
: fn.apply(this, arguments)
export const append = (array, ...values) => array.concat(values)
export const appendUnique = (array, ...values) =>
values.filter(value =>
array.indexOf(value) === -1
export const makeFilterReducer = curry(
(predicate, combine) =>
(result, current) =>
? combine(result, current)
: result
export const makeMapReducer = curry(
(mapper, combine) =>
(result, current) =>
combine(result, mapper(current))
export const transduce = curry(
(transducer, transformer, initial, values) =>
values.reduce(transducer(transformer), initial)
export const makeTapTransducer = curry(
(callback, combine) =>
(...args) => {
callback(null, ...args)
return combine(...args)
export const deepFlatTransducer = combine =>
(result, current) =>
current != null && current[Symbol.iterator]
? transduce(deepFlatTransducer, combine, result)(current)
: combine(result, current)
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