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// ==WindhawkMod==
// @id icon-resource-redirect-loadimagea-test
// @name Resource Redirect
// @description Define alternative files for loading various resources (e.g. instead of icons in imageres.dll) for simple theming without having to modify system files
// @version 1.1.2
// @author m417z
// @github
// @twitter
// @homepage
// @include *
// @compilerOptions -lshlwapi
// ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModReadme==
# Resource Redirect
Define alternative files for loading various resources (e.g. instead of icons in
imageres.dll) for simple theming without having to modify system files.
## Theme folder
A theme folder can be selected in the settings. It's a folder with alternative
resource files, and the `theme.ini` file that contains redirection rules. For
example, the `theme.ini` file may contain the following:
In this case, the folder must also contain the `explorer.exe`, `imageres.dll`
files which will be used as the custom resource files.
## Supported resource types and loading methods
The mod supports the following resource types and loading methods:
* Icons extracted with the `PrivateExtractIconsW` function.
* Icons, cursors and bitmaps loaded with the `LoadImageW` function.
* Icons loaded with the `LoadIconW` function.
* Cursors loaded with the `LoadCursorW` function.
* Bitmaps loaded with the `LoadBitmapW` function.
* Menus loaded with the `LoadMenuW` function.
* Dialogs loaded with the `DialogBoxParamW`, `CreateDialogParamW` functions.
* Strings loaded with the `LoadStringW` function.
* GDI+ images (e.g. PNGs) loaded with the `SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW`
* DirectUI resources (usually `UIFILE` and `XML`) loaded with the
`SetXMLFromResource` function.
// ==/WindhawkModReadme==
// ==WindhawkModSettings==
- themeFolder: ''
$name: Theme folder
$description: A folder with alternative resource files and theme.ini
- redirectionResourcePaths:
- - original: '%SystemRoot%\System32\imageres.dll'
$name: The original resource file
$description: The original file from which resources are loaded
- redirect: 'C:\my-themes\theme-1\imageres.dll'
$name: The custom resource file
$description: The custom resource file that will be used instead
$name: Redirection resource paths
// ==/WindhawkModSettings==
#include <psapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#define LR_EXACTSIZEONLY 0x10000
std::shared_mutex g_redirectionResourcePathsMutex;
thread_local bool g_redirectionResourcePathsMutexLocked;
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, std::vector<std::wstring>>
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>
std::shared_mutex g_redirectionResourceModulesMutex;
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, HMODULE> g_redirectionResourceModules;
std::atomic<DWORD> g_operationCounter;
// Don't do this at home...
#ifdef Wh_Log
#undef Wh_Log
namespace Wh_Detail {
template <typename T, unsigned N>
struct stack_array {
T data[N];
constexpr operator T*() { return data; }
constexpr operator const T*() const { return data; }
template <typename T, unsigned... Len>
consteval auto cat(const T (&... strings)[Len]) {
constexpr unsigned N = (... + Len) - sizeof...(Len);
stack_array<T, N + 1> result{};
T* dst = result;
for (const T* src : {strings...}) {
while (*src != L'\0') {
*dst++ = *src++;
return result;
} // namespace Wh_Detail
#define Wh_Log(message, ...) \
do { \
if (InternalWh_IsLogEnabled(InternalWhModPtr)) { \
InternalWh_Log_Wrapper( \
Wh_Detail::cat(L"[", TEXT(LINE_STRING), L":%S]: ", message), \
__FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
template <typename T, unsigned N>
struct stack_array {
T data[N];
constexpr operator T*() { return data; }
constexpr operator const T*() const { return data; }
// logAW<char> replaces "%@" with "%S".
// logAW<WCHAR> replaces "%@" with "%s".
template <typename T, auto N>
consteval auto logAW(const WCHAR (&src)[N]) {
stack_array<WCHAR, N> res = {};
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (src[i] == L'%' && src[i + 1] == L'@') {
res[i] = L'%';
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, char>) {
res[i + 1] = L'S';
} else {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, WCHAR>);
res[i + 1] = L's';
} else {
res[i] = src[i];
return res;
// chooseAW<char> returns OptionA.
// chooseAW<WCHAR> returns OptionW.
template <typename T, auto OptionA, auto OptionW>
auto chooseAW() {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, char>) {
return OptionA;
} else {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, WCHAR>);
return OptionW;
// A helper function to skip locking if the thread already holds the lock, since
// it's UB. Nested locks may happen if one hooked function is implemented with
// the help of another hooked function. We assume here that the locks are freed
// in reverse order.
auto RedirectionResourcePathsMutexSharedLock() {
class Result {
Result() = default;
Result(std::shared_mutex& mutex) : lock(std::shared_lock{mutex}) {
g_redirectionResourcePathsMutexLocked = true;
~Result() {
if (lock) {
g_redirectionResourcePathsMutexLocked = false;
std::optional<std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>> lock;
if (g_redirectionResourcePathsMutexLocked) {
return Result{};
return Result{g_redirectionResourcePathsMutex};
bool DevicePathToDosPath(const WCHAR* device_path,
WCHAR* dos_path,
size_t dos_path_size) {
WCHAR drive_strings[MAX_PATH];
if (!GetLogicalDriveStrings(ARRAYSIZE(drive_strings), drive_strings)) {
return false;
// Drive strings are stored as a set of null terminated strings, with an
// extra null after the last string. Each drive string is of the form "C:\".
// We convert it to the form "C:", which is the format expected by
// QueryDosDevice().
WCHAR drive_colon[3] = L" :";
for (const WCHAR* next_drive_letter = drive_strings; *next_drive_letter;
next_drive_letter += wcslen(next_drive_letter) + 1) {
// Dos device of the form "C:".
*drive_colon = *next_drive_letter;
WCHAR device_name[MAX_PATH];
if (!QueryDosDevice(drive_colon, device_name, ARRAYSIZE(device_name))) {
size_t name_length = wcslen(device_name);
if (_wcsnicmp(device_path, device_name, name_length) == 0) {
size_t dos_path_size_required =
2 + wcslen(device_path + name_length) + 1;
if (dos_path_size < dos_path_size_required) {
return false;
// Construct DOS path.
wcscpy(dos_path, drive_colon);
wcscat(dos_path, device_path + name_length);
return true;
return false;
HMODULE GetRedirectedModule(std::wstring_view fileName) {
std::wstring fileNameUpper{fileName};
static_cast<int>(fileNameUpper.length()), &fileNameUpper[0],
static_cast<int>(fileNameUpper.length()), nullptr, nullptr,
std::shared_lock lock{g_redirectionResourceModulesMutex};
const auto it = g_redirectionResourceModules.find(fileNameUpper);
if (it != g_redirectionResourceModules.end()) {
return it->second;
HINSTANCE module = LoadLibraryEx(
fileNameUpper.c_str(), nullptr,
if (!module) {
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"LoadLibraryEx failed with error %u", dwError);
return nullptr;
std::unique_lock lock{g_redirectionResourceModulesMutex};
g_redirectionResourceModules.try_emplace(fileNameUpper, module);
return module;
void FreeAndClearRedirectedModules() {
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, HMODULE> modules;
std::unique_lock lock{g_redirectionResourceModulesMutex};
for (const auto& it : modules) {
template <typename T>
bool RedirectFileName(DWORD c,
const T* fileName,
std::function<void()> beforeFirstRedirectionFunction,
std::function<bool(const T*)> redirectFunction) {
if (!fileName) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Error, nullptr file name, falling back to original", c);
return false;
std::basic_string<T> fileNameUpper{fileName};
(chooseAW<T, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW>())(
static_cast<int>(fileNameUpper.length()), &fileNameUpper[0],
bool triedRedirection = false;
auto lock{RedirectionResourcePathsMutexSharedLock()};
const std::unordered_map<std::basic_string<T>,
redirectionResourcePaths =
*(chooseAW<T, &g_redirectionResourcePathsA,
if (const auto it = redirectionResourcePaths.find(fileNameUpper);
it != redirectionResourcePaths.end()) {
const auto& redirects = it->second;
for (const auto& redirect : redirects) {
if (!triedRedirection) {
triedRedirection = true;
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] Trying %@").data, c, redirect.c_str());
if (redirectFunction(redirect.c_str())) {
return true;
if (triedRedirection) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] No redirection succeeded, falling back to original", c);
return false;
bool RedirectModule(DWORD c,
HINSTANCE hInstance,
std::function<void()> beforeFirstRedirectionFunction,
std::function<bool(HINSTANCE)> redirectFunction) {
DWORD fileNameLen;
if ((ULONG_PTR)hInstance & 3) {
WCHAR szNtFileName[MAX_PATH * 2];
if (!GetMappedFileName(GetCurrentProcess(), (void*)hInstance,
szNtFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szNtFileName))) {
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] GetMappedFileName(%p) failed with error %u", c,
hInstance, dwError);
return false;
if (!DevicePathToDosPath(szNtFileName, szFileName,
ARRAYSIZE(szFileName))) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] DevicePathToDosPath failed", c);
return false;
fileNameLen = wcslen(szFileName);
} else {
fileNameLen =
GetModuleFileName(hInstance, szFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName));
switch (fileNameLen) {
case 0: {
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] GetModuleFileName(%p) failed with error %u", c,
hInstance, dwError);
return false;
case ARRAYSIZE(szFileName):
Wh_Log(L"[%u] GetModuleFileName(%p) failed, name too long", c,
return false;
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Module: %s", c, szFileName);
fileNameLen, &szFileName[0], fileNameLen, nullptr, nullptr,
bool triedRedirection = false;
auto lock{RedirectionResourcePathsMutexSharedLock()};
if (const auto it = g_redirectionResourcePaths.find(szFileName);
it != g_redirectionResourcePaths.end()) {
const auto& redirects = it->second;
for (const auto& redirect : redirects) {
if (!triedRedirection) {
triedRedirection = true;
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Trying %s", c, redirect.c_str());
HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect = GetRedirectedModule(redirect);
if (!hInstanceRedirect) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] GetRedirectedModule failed", c);
if (redirectFunction(hInstanceRedirect)) {
return true;
if (triedRedirection) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] No redirection succeeded, falling back to original", c);
return false;
using PrivateExtractIconsW_t = decltype(&PrivateExtractIconsW);
PrivateExtractIconsW_t PrivateExtractIconsW_Original;
UINT WINAPI PrivateExtractIconsW_Hook(LPCWSTR szFileName,
int nIconIndex,
int cxIcon,
int cyIcon,
HICON* phicon,
UINT* piconid,
UINT nIcons,
UINT flags) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Icon index: %d, file name: %s", c, nIconIndex, szFileName);
UINT result;
bool redirected = RedirectFileName<WCHAR>(
c, szFileName,
[&]() {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] cxIcon: %d, %d", c, LOWORD(cxIcon), HIWORD(cxIcon));
Wh_Log(L"[%u] cyIcon: %d, %d", c, LOWORD(cyIcon), HIWORD(cyIcon));
Wh_Log(L"[%u] phicon: %s", c, phicon ? L"out_ptr" : L"nullptr");
Wh_Log(L"[%u] piconid: %s", c, piconid ? L"out_ptr" : L"nullptr");
Wh_Log(L"[%u] nIcons: %u", c, nIcons);
Wh_Log(L"[%u] flags: 0x%08X", c, flags);
[&](PCWSTR fileNameRedirect) {
if (phicon) {
std::fill_n(phicon, nIcons, nullptr);
result = PrivateExtractIconsW_Original(fileNameRedirect, nIconIndex,
cxIcon, cyIcon, phicon,
piconid, nIcons, flags);
if (result != 0xFFFFFFFF && result != 0) {
// In case multiple icons are requested and the custom resource
// only overrides some of them, we'd ideally like to return a
// combined result. Unfortunately, that's not trivial to
// implement, so return the original icons in this case.
// An example where multiple icons are requested is the Change
// Icon dialog in shortcut file properties. If a partial result
// is returned, only the returned icons are displayed.
bool multipleIcons = nIcons > (HIWORD(cxIcon) ? 2 : 1);
bool partialResult = result < nIcons;
UINT multipleIconsOriginalCount = 0;
if (multipleIcons && partialResult) {
multipleIconsOriginalCount = PrivateExtractIconsW_Original(
szFileName, nIconIndex, cxIcon, cyIcon, nullptr,
nullptr, nIcons, flags);
if (result < multipleIconsOriginalCount) {
L"[%u] Got less icons than the original file has: %u "
L"vs. %u, replacing redirection with the original "
c, result, multipleIconsOriginalCount);
if (phicon) {
for (UINT i = 0; i < nIcons; i++) {
if (phicon[i]) {
phicon[i] = nullptr;
result = PrivateExtractIconsW_Original(
szFileName, nIconIndex, cxIcon, cyIcon, phicon, piconid,
nIcons, flags);
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully, result: %u", c, result);
return true;
// If `LR_EXACTSIZEONLY` is used and the exact size is missing, the
// function will return no icons. If the replacement file doesn't
// have this icon, we want to fall back to the original file, but if
// it has other sizes, we prefer to return an empty result,
// hopefully the target app will try other sizes in this case.
if (result == 0 && phicon && (flags & LR_EXACTSIZEONLY)) {
HICON testIcon = nullptr;
UINT testIconId;
UINT testResult = PrivateExtractIconsW_Original(
fileNameRedirect, nIconIndex, LOWORD(cxIcon),
LOWORD(cyIcon), &testIcon, &testIconId, 1,
if (testIcon) {
testIcon = nullptr;
if (testResult > 0) {
L"[%u] Redirected successfully with an empty result: "
c, result);
return true;
// If there is no exact match the API can return 0 but phicon[0] set
// to a valid hicon. In that case destroy the icon and reset the
// entry.
if (phicon) {
for (UINT i = 0; i < nIcons; i++) {
if (phicon[i]) {
phicon[i] = nullptr;
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirection failed, result: %u", c, result);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return PrivateExtractIconsW_Original(szFileName, nIconIndex, cxIcon, cyIcon,
phicon, piconid, nIcons, flags);
template <auto* Original, typename T>
const T* name,
UINT type,
int cx,
int cy,
UINT fuLoad) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
PCWSTR typeClarification = L"";
switch (type) {
typeClarification = L" (bitmap)";
typeClarification = L" (icon)";
typeClarification = L" (cursor)";
if (!hInst) {
if (fuLoad & LR_LOADFROMFILE) {
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] > Type: %u%s, file name: %@").data, c, type,
typeClarification, name);
} else {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Type: %u%s, resource identifier: %zu", c, type,
typeClarification, (ULONG_PTR)name);
} else if (IS_INTRESOURCE(name)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Type: %u%s, resource number: %u", c, type,
typeClarification, (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)name);
} else {
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] > Type: %u%s, resource name: %@").data, c, type,
typeClarification, name);
HANDLE result;
bool redirected;
auto beforeFirstRedirectionFunction = [&]() {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Width: %d", c, cx);
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Height: %d", c, cy);
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Flags: 0x%08X", c, fuLoad);
if (!hInst && (fuLoad & LR_LOADFROMFILE)) {
redirected = RedirectFileName<T>(
c, name, std::move(beforeFirstRedirectionFunction),
[&](const T* fileNameRedirect) {
result =
(*Original)(hInst, fileNameRedirect, type, cx, cy, fuLoad);
if (result) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] LoadImage failed with error %u", c, dwError);
return false;
} else {
redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hInst, std::move(beforeFirstRedirectionFunction),
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result =
(*Original)(hInstanceRedirect, name, type, cx, cy, fuLoad);
if (result) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] LoadImage failed with error %u", c, dwError);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return (*Original)(hInst, name, type, cx, cy, fuLoad);
using LoadImageA_t = decltype(&LoadImageA);
LoadImageA_t LoadImageA_Original;
LPCSTR name,
UINT type,
int cx,
int cy,
UINT fuLoad) {
return LoadImageAW_Hook<&LoadImageA_Original>(hInst, name, type, cx, cy,
using LoadImageW_t = decltype(&LoadImageW);
LoadImageW_t LoadImageW_Original;
UINT type,
int cx,
int cy,
UINT fuLoad) {
return LoadImageAW_Hook<&LoadImageW_Original>(hInst, name, type, cx, cy,
template <auto* Original, typename T>
HICON LoadIconAW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, const T* lpIconName) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
if (!hInstance) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource identifier: %zu", c, (ULONG_PTR)lpIconName);
} else if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpIconName)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource number: %u", c, (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)lpIconName);
} else {
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] > Resource name: %@").data, c, lpIconName);
HICON result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hInstance, []() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result = (*Original)(hInstanceRedirect, lpIconName);
if (result) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] LoadIcon failed with error %u", c, dwError);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return (*Original)(hInstance, lpIconName);
using LoadIconA_t = decltype(&LoadIconA);
LoadIconA_t LoadIconA_Original;
HICON WINAPI LoadIconA_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCSTR lpIconName) {
return LoadIconAW_Hook<&LoadIconA_Original>(hInstance, lpIconName);
using LoadIconW_t = decltype(&LoadIconW);
LoadIconW_t LoadIconW_Original;
HICON WINAPI LoadIconW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpIconName) {
return LoadIconAW_Hook<&LoadIconW_Original>(hInstance, lpIconName);
template <auto* Original, typename T>
HCURSOR LoadCursorAW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, const T* lpCursorName) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
if (!hInstance) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource identifier: %zu", c, (ULONG_PTR)lpCursorName);
} else if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpCursorName)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource number: %u", c,
} else {
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] > Resource name: %@").data, c, lpCursorName);
HCURSOR result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hInstance, []() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result = (*Original)(hInstanceRedirect, lpCursorName);
if (result) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] LoadCursor failed with error %u", c, dwError);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return (*Original)(hInstance, lpCursorName);
using LoadCursorA_t = decltype(&LoadCursorA);
LoadCursorA_t LoadCursorA_Original;
HCURSOR WINAPI LoadCursorA_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCSTR lpCursorName) {
return LoadCursorAW_Hook<&LoadCursorA_Original>(hInstance, lpCursorName);
using LoadCursorW_t = decltype(&LoadCursorW);
LoadCursorW_t LoadCursorW_Original;
HCURSOR WINAPI LoadCursorW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpCursorName) {
return LoadCursorAW_Hook<&LoadCursorW_Original>(hInstance, lpCursorName);
template <auto* Original, typename T>
HBITMAP LoadBitmapAW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, const T* lpBitmapName) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
if (!hInstance) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource identifier: %zu", c, (ULONG_PTR)lpBitmapName);
} else if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpBitmapName)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource number: %u", c,
} else {
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] > Resource name: %@").data, c, lpBitmapName);
HBITMAP result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hInstance, []() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result = (*Original)(hInstanceRedirect, lpBitmapName);
if (result) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] LoadBitmap failed with error %u", c, dwError);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return (*Original)(hInstance, lpBitmapName);
using LoadBitmapA_t = decltype(&LoadBitmapA);
LoadBitmapA_t LoadBitmapA_Original;
HBITMAP WINAPI LoadBitmapA_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCSTR lpBitmapName) {
return LoadBitmapAW_Hook<&LoadBitmapA_Original>(hInstance, lpBitmapName);
using LoadBitmapW_t = decltype(&LoadBitmapW);
LoadBitmapW_t LoadBitmapW_Original;
HBITMAP WINAPI LoadBitmapW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpBitmapName) {
return LoadBitmapAW_Hook<&LoadBitmapW_Original>(hInstance, lpBitmapName);
template <auto* Original, typename T>
HMENU LoadMenuAW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, const T* lpMenuName) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpMenuName)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource number: %u", c, (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)lpMenuName);
} else {
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] > Resource name: %@").data, c, lpMenuName);
HMENU result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hInstance, []() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result = (*Original)(hInstanceRedirect, lpMenuName);
if (result) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] LoadMenu failed with error %u", c, dwError);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return (*Original)(hInstance, lpMenuName);
using LoadMenuA_t = decltype(&LoadMenuA);
LoadMenuA_t LoadMenuA_Original;
HMENU WINAPI LoadMenuA_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCSTR lpMenuName) {
return LoadMenuAW_Hook<&LoadMenuA_Original>(hInstance, lpMenuName);
using LoadMenuW_t = decltype(&LoadMenuW);
LoadMenuW_t LoadMenuW_Original;
HMENU WINAPI LoadMenuW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpMenuName) {
return LoadMenuAW_Hook<&LoadMenuW_Original>(hInstance, lpMenuName);
template <auto* Original, typename T>
INT_PTR DialogBoxParamAW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
const T* lpTemplateName,
HWND hWndParent,
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
LPARAM dwInitParam) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpTemplateName)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource number: %u", c,
} else {
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] > Resource name: %@").data, c, lpTemplateName);
INT_PTR result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hInstance, []() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
// For other redirected functions, we check whether the function
// succeeded. If it didn't, we try another redirection or fall back
// to the original file.
// In this case, there's no reliable way to find out whether
// DialogBoxParamW failed, since any value can be returned.
// Therefore, only make sure that the dialog resource exists.
if (!(chooseAW<T, FindResourceExA, FindResourceExW>())(
hInstanceRedirect, (T*)RT_DIALOG, lpTemplateName, 0)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Resource not found", c);
return false;
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
result = (*Original)(hInstanceRedirect, lpTemplateName, hWndParent,
lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam);
return true;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return (*Original)(hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc,
using DialogBoxParamA_t = decltype(&DialogBoxParamA);
DialogBoxParamA_t DialogBoxParamA_Original;
INT_PTR WINAPI DialogBoxParamA_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPCSTR lpTemplateName,
HWND hWndParent,
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
LPARAM dwInitParam) {
return DialogBoxParamAW_Hook<&DialogBoxParamA_Original>(
hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam);
using DialogBoxParamW_t = decltype(&DialogBoxParamW);
DialogBoxParamW_t DialogBoxParamW_Original;
INT_PTR WINAPI DialogBoxParamW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPCWSTR lpTemplateName,
HWND hWndParent,
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
LPARAM dwInitParam) {
return DialogBoxParamAW_Hook<&DialogBoxParamW_Original>(
hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam);
template <auto* Original, typename T>
HWND CreateDialogParamAW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
const T* lpTemplateName,
HWND hWndParent,
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
LPARAM dwInitParam) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpTemplateName)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Resource number: %u", c,
} else {
Wh_Log(logAW<T>(L"[%u] > Resource name: %@").data, c, lpTemplateName);
HWND result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hInstance, []() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result = (*Original)(hInstanceRedirect, lpTemplateName, hWndParent,
lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam);
if (result) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] CreateDialogParam failed with error %u", c, dwError);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return (*Original)(hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc,
using CreateDialogParamA_t = decltype(&CreateDialogParamA);
CreateDialogParamA_t CreateDialogParamA_Original;
HWND WINAPI CreateDialogParamA_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPCSTR lpTemplateName,
HWND hWndParent,
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
LPARAM dwInitParam) {
return CreateDialogParamAW_Hook<&CreateDialogParamA_Original>(
hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam);
using CreateDialogParamW_t = decltype(&CreateDialogParamW);
CreateDialogParamW_t CreateDialogParamW_Original;
HWND WINAPI CreateDialogParamW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPCWSTR lpTemplateName,
HWND hWndParent,
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc,
LPARAM dwInitParam) {
return CreateDialogParamAW_Hook<&CreateDialogParamW_Original>(
hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam);
template <auto* Original, typename T>
int LoadStringAW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
T* lpBuffer,
int cchBufferMax) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > String number: %u", c, uID);
int result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hInstance, [&]() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result =
(*Original)(hInstanceRedirect, uID, lpBuffer, cchBufferMax);
if (result) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Wh_Log(L"[%u] LoadString failed with error %u", c, dwError);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return (*Original)(hInstance, uID, lpBuffer, cchBufferMax);
using LoadStringA_t = decltype(&LoadStringA);
LoadStringA_t LoadStringA_Original;
int WINAPI LoadStringA_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPSTR lpBuffer,
int cchBufferMax) {
return LoadStringAW_Hook<&LoadStringA_Original>(hInstance, uID, lpBuffer,
using LoadStringW_t = decltype(&LoadStringW);
LoadStringW_t LoadStringW_Original;
int WINAPI LoadStringW_Hook(HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPWSTR lpBuffer,
int cchBufferMax) {
return LoadStringAW_Hook<&LoadStringW_Original>(hInstance, uID, lpBuffer,
using SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW_t = HRESULT(WINAPI*)(HMODULE hModule,
LPCWSTR pwszName,
LPCWSTR pwszType,
IStream** ppStream);
SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW_t SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW_Original;
HRESULT WINAPI SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW_Hook(HMODULE hModule,
LPCWSTR pwszName,
LPCWSTR pwszType,
IStream** ppStream) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
PCWSTR logTypeStr;
WCHAR logTypeStrBuffer[16];
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pwszType)) {
swprintf_s(logTypeStrBuffer, L"%u", (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)pwszType);
logTypeStr = logTypeStrBuffer;
} else {
logTypeStr = pwszType;
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pwszName)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Type: %s, resource number: %u", c, logTypeStr,
} else {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Type: %s, resource name: %s", c, logTypeStr, pwszName);
HRESULT result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hModule, []() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result = SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW_Original(
hInstanceRedirect, pwszName, pwszType, ppStream);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
L"[%u] SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW failed with error %08X",
c, result);
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW_Original(hModule, pwszName, pwszType,
using SetXMLFromResource_t = HRESULT(__thiscall*)(void* pThis,
PCWSTR lpName,
PCWSTR lpType,
HMODULE hModule,
HINSTANCE param5);
SetXMLFromResource_t SetXMLFromResource_Original;
HRESULT __thiscall SetXMLFromResource_Hook(void* pThis,
PCWSTR lpName,
PCWSTR lpType,
HMODULE hModule,
HINSTANCE param5) {
DWORD c = ++g_operationCounter;
PCWSTR logTypeStr;
WCHAR logTypeStrBuffer[16];
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpType)) {
swprintf_s(logTypeStrBuffer, L"%u", (DWORD)(ULONG_PTR)lpType);
logTypeStr = logTypeStrBuffer;
} else {
logTypeStr = lpType;
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpName)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Type: %s, resource number: %u", c, logTypeStr,
} else {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] > Type: %s, resource name: %s", c, logTypeStr, lpName);
HRESULT result;
bool redirected = RedirectModule(
c, hModule, []() {},
[&](HINSTANCE hInstanceRedirect) {
result = SetXMLFromResource_Original(
pThis, lpName, lpType, hInstanceRedirect, param4, param5);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
Wh_Log(L"[%u] Redirected successfully", c);
return true;
Wh_Log(L"[%u] SetXMLFromResource failed with error %08X", c,
return false;
if (redirected) {
return result;
return SetXMLFromResource_Original(pThis, lpName, lpType, hModule, param4,
void LoadSettings() {
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, std::vector<std::wstring>> paths;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> pathsA;
auto addRedirectionPath = [&paths, &pathsA](PCWSTR original,
PCWSTR redirect) {
WCHAR originalExpanded[MAX_PATH];
DWORD originalExpandedLen = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(
original, originalExpanded, ARRAYSIZE(originalExpanded));
if (!originalExpandedLen ||
originalExpandedLen > ARRAYSIZE(originalExpanded)) {
Wh_Log(L"Failed to expand path: %s", original);
Wh_Log(L"Configuring %s->%s", originalExpanded, redirect);
originalExpanded, originalExpandedLen - 1,
originalExpanded, originalExpandedLen - 1, nullptr,
nullptr, 0);
char originalExpandedA[MAX_PATH];
char redirectA[MAX_PATH];
size_t charsConverted = 0;
if (wcstombs_s(&charsConverted, originalExpandedA,
ARRAYSIZE(originalExpandedA), originalExpanded,
_TRUNCATE) == 0 &&
wcstombs_s(&charsConverted, redirectA, ARRAYSIZE(redirectA),
redirect, _TRUNCATE) == 0) {
PCWSTR themeFolder = Wh_GetStringSetting(L"themeFolder");
if (*themeFolder) {
WCHAR themeIniFile[MAX_PATH];
if (PathCombine(themeIniFile, themeFolder, L"theme.ini")) {
std::wstring data(32768, L'\0');
DWORD result = GetPrivateProfileSection(
L"redirections",, data.size(), themeIniFile);
if (result != data.size() - 2) {
for (auto* p =; *p;) {
auto* pNext = p + wcslen(p) + 1;
auto* pEq = wcschr(p, L'=');
if (pEq) {
*pEq = L'\0';
WCHAR redirectFile[MAX_PATH];
if (PathCombine(redirectFile, themeFolder, pEq + 1)) {
addRedirectionPath(p, redirectFile);
} else {
Wh_Log(L"Skipping %s", p);
p = pNext;
} else {
Wh_Log(L"Failed to read theme file");
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
PCWSTR original =
Wh_GetStringSetting(L"redirectionResourcePaths[%d].original", i);
PCWSTR redirect =
Wh_GetStringSetting(L"redirectionResourcePaths[%d].redirect", i);
bool hasRedirection = *original || *redirect;
if (hasRedirection) {
addRedirectionPath(original, redirect);
if (!hasRedirection) {
std::unique_lock lock{g_redirectionResourcePathsMutex};
g_redirectionResourcePaths = std::move(paths);
g_redirectionResourcePathsA = std::move(pathsA);
BOOL Wh_ModInit() {
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadImageA, (void*)LoadImageA_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadImageW, (void*)LoadImageW_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadIconA, (void*)LoadIconA_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadIconW, (void*)LoadIconW_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadCursorA, (void*)LoadCursorA_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadCursorW, (void*)LoadCursorW_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadBitmapA, (void*)LoadBitmapA_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadBitmapW, (void*)LoadBitmapW_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadMenuA, (void*)LoadMenuA_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadMenuW, (void*)LoadMenuW_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)DialogBoxParamA, (void*)DialogBoxParamA_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)DialogBoxParamW, (void*)DialogBoxParamW_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadStringA, (void*)LoadStringA_Hook,
Wh_SetFunctionHook((void*)LoadStringW, (void*)LoadStringW_Hook,
HMODULE shcoreModule = LoadLibrary(L"shcore.dll");
if (shcoreModule) {
FARPROC pSHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW =
GetProcAddress(shcoreModule, (PCSTR)109);
if (pSHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW) {
} else {
Wh_Log(L"Couldn't find SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW (#109)");
} else {
Wh_Log(L"Couldn't load shcore.dll");
HMODULE duiModule = LoadLibrary(L"dui70.dll");
if (duiModule) {
PCSTR procName =
FARPROC pSetXMLFromResource = GetProcAddress(duiModule, procName);
if (!pSetXMLFromResource) {
#ifdef _WIN64
PCSTR procName_Win10_x64 =
pSetXMLFromResource = GetProcAddress(duiModule, procName_Win10_x64);
if (pSetXMLFromResource) {
} else {
Wh_Log(L"Couldn't find SetXMLFromResource");
} else {
Wh_Log(L"Couldn't load dui70.dll");
return TRUE;
void Wh_ModUninit() {
void Wh_ModSettingsChanged() {
// Invalidate icon cache.
SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr);
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