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Created December 4, 2012 13:59
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retina sprites
/* Compass HiDPI sprite helper
* Pre-requisites :
* - the hidpi sprite images needs to be in a folder near the standard one, and
* named **<name>_hidpi** (e.g. **images/icons** and **images/icons_hidpi**)
* @author : MAD <>
// ****************************************************************************/
// Load Compass library (only need sprites part in fact)
@import "compass";
// Maps Loader
// Use it to load all sprite (std and hipdpi) in one time and return the sprite
// maps.
// Args :
// - $glob : the folder-name that contain the sprites
@function hidpi-sprite-map($glob) {
$sprite-map : sprite-map("#{$glob}/*.png");
$hidpi-sprite-map : sprite-map("#{$glob}_hidpi/*.png");
@return join($sprite-map, $hidpi-sprite-map, comma);
// Internal mixin to generate background CSS
// Args :
// - $map : the sprite map
// - $x : the x position
// - $y : the y position
// - $r (optional) : the ratio to apply to the sprite
@mixin sprite-background($map, $x, $y, $r : 1) {
$path : sprite-path($map);
background-image : sprite-url($map);
background-size : (image-width($path) / $r) (image-height($path) / $r);
background-position : $x $y;
// Sprite generator
// Args :
// - $maps : the maps loaded by `hidpi-sprite-map`
// - $sprite : the sprite for which you want the CSS
// - $offset-x (optional) : overwrite the x-position of your sprite. Also
// support left / right and percentage
// - $offset-y (optional) : overwrite the x-position of your sprite. Also
// support top / bottom and percentage
@mixin hidpi-sprite($maps, $sprite, $offset-x : 0, $offset-y : 0) {
// Get maps (SD & HD)
$sprite-map : nth($maps, 1);
$hidpi-sprite-map : nth($maps, 2);
// Set defaults variable env
$hidpi-sprite-ratio : 2 !default;
$hidpi-debug : false !default;
// Set defaults positions
$position-x : $offset-x; $position-y : $offset-y;
$hidpi-position-x : $offset-x; $hidpi-position-y : $offset-y;
// Overwrite positions width optional offset params
@if $offset-x == left or $offset-x == right {
$position-x : $offset-x;
$hidpi-position-x : $offset-x;
} @else if unit($offset-x) == "%" {
$position-x : $offset-x;
$hidpi-position-x : $offset-x;
} @else {
$position-x : nth(sprite-position($sprite-map, $sprite), 1) + $offset-x;
$hidpi-position-x : (nth(sprite-position($hidpi-sprite-map, $sprite), 1) / $hidpi-sprite-ratio) + $offset-x;
@if $offset-y == top or $offset-y == bottom {
$position-y : $offset-y;
$hidpi-position-y : $offset-y;
} @else if unit($offset-y) == "%" {
$position-y : $offset-y;
$hidpi-position-y : $offset-y;
} @else {
$position-y : nth(sprite-position($sprite-map, $sprite), 2) + $offset-y;
$hidpi-position-y : (nth(sprite-position($hidpi-sprite-map, $sprite), 2) / $hidpi-sprite-ratio) + $offset-y;
// Outpout CSS \o/
@if $hidpi-debug {
// Debug mode
// (on a good suggestion from @kReEsTaL)
@include sprite-background($hidpi-sprite-map, $hidpi-position-x, $hidpi-position-y, $hidpi-sprite-ratio);
} @else {
// Debug Off > Production
@include sprite-background($sprite-map, $position-x, $position-y);
// The Retina MQ
// Thx to Chris Coyier :
// Corrected by @rik24d
only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),
only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi),
only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) {
@include sprite-background($hidpi-sprite-map, $hidpi-position-x, $hidpi-position-y, $hidpi-sprite-ratio);
// ****************************************************************************/
// Use case
// First load the maps
$icons : hidpi-sprite-map("icons");
$hidpi-debug : true; // optional > only output the HiDPI for test purposes
$hipdi-ratio : 2; // optional > only set if the HD sprites have a different
// ratio (i.e. HD != 2 * SD)
.icon-icomoon {
// Then generate the CSS parts using the `hidpi-sprite` mixin, eventually with
// $offset-x and / or $offset-y position
@include hidpi-sprite($icons, "icomoon", right, 3px);
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