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Created January 9, 2021 19:51
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Take a Spotify playlist and create a YouTube playlist (This was created for Rythm bot in discord before they implemented spotify usage) Obviously credentials need to be added by user
This is a program to access spotify and create a youtube play list based on a song or premade playlist
in spotify so that Rythm bot can play the playlists made in spotify
This technique will then be used to create a discord bot that accesses spotify and can access playlists from that
Step 1 - Open spotify
Step 2 - Access Playlists and/or songs desired by using name of song/playlists and name of artist/playlist user
Step 3 - Get name of song and artists of the song and/or songs in the playlist of use the name and song found in
step 3
Step 4 - Open youtube
Step 5 - Find song or songs
Step 6 - Add song to playlists, if new playlists ask for name or use the first song to give the playlists a name
and make it public. Else add song to existing playlist
Step 7 - Logout of both spotify and Youtube
import base64
import requests
import os
from secrets import spotify_user_id, spotify_token, youtube_client_id, youtube_client_secret
import google_auth_oauthlib.flow
import googleapiclient.discovery
import googleapiclient.errors
class YouTubify:
def _init_(self):
self.spotify_user_id = spotify_user_id
self.spotify_token = spotify_token
self.youtube_client_id = youtube_client_id
self.youtube_client_secret = youtube_client_secret
def get_youtube_client(self):
""" Log Into Youtube, Copied from Youtube Data API """
# Disable OAuthlib's HTTPS verification when running locally.
# *DO NOT* leave this option enabled in production.
api_service_name = "youtube"
api_version = "v3"
client_secrets_file = "youtube_requirements.json"
# Get credentials and create an API client
scopes = [""]
flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
client_secrets_file, scopes)
credentials = flow.run_console()
# from the Youtube DATA API
youtube_client =
api_service_name, api_version, credentials=credentials)
return youtube_client
def addSongToPlaylist(self):
# get list of youtube video ids
youtube_video_id = self.search_youtube()
request_add = self.addPlaylist()
# find user playlist with list my playlists
request = self.get_youtube_client().playlists().list(
response = request.execute()
# access playlist
playlist_id = response["items"][0]["id"]
insert_video_client = self.get_youtube_client()
# loop through video id list to get the youtube videos that will be add to the playlist
while youtube_video_id:
request_2 = insert_video_client.playlistItems().insert(
"snippet": {
"playlistId": playlist_id,
"position": 0,
"resourceId": {
"kind": "youtube#video",
"videoId": youtube_video_id.pop(0)
response_2 = request_2.execute()
def addPlaylist(self):
playlist_name = input("Type the name for the playlist ")
playlist_description = input("Type a description for the playlist ")
request = self.get_youtube_client().playlists().insert(
"snippet": {
"title": playlist_name,
"description": playlist_description,
"tags": [
"sample playlist",
"API call"
"defaultLanguage": "en"
"status": {
"privacyStatus": "private"
return request
def search_youtube(self):
# use song list to search for youtube videos
spotify_list = self.findSongs()
youtube_id_list = []
i = 0
youtube_client = self.get_youtube_client()
while i < 10:
request =
q=spotify_list.pop(0) + " " + spotify_list.pop(0)
response = request.execute()
# retrieve song id and make list that will be used to add to playlist
song_id = response["items"][0]["id"]["videoId"]
# print(response)
i = i + 1
return youtube_id_list
def get_Spotify_token(self):
# use endpoint given on spotify websire
token_url = ""
# convert client credentials to base64 for authorization header
client_creds = f"{spotify_user_id}:{spotify_token}"
client_token = base64.b64encode(client_creds.encode())
# authorization header
token_auth = {
"Authorization": f"Basic {client_token.decode()}"
# data for POST
token_grant = {
"grant_type": "client_credentials"
# make POST using url, data, and header
access_token =, data=token_grant, headers=token_auth)
access_json = access_token.json()
# return access token for use in findSpotifyPlaylist and findSongs
return access_json['access_token']
def findSpotifyPlaylist(self):
# add in functionality for searching song or playlist
# prompt user input for searching for a song or playlist
print("Type in the name of the playlist. Ex: Name\n")
playlistName = input()
# setup a query for the song or playlist
search_url = ""
search_params = {
"q": playlistName,
"type": "playlist"
search_headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.get_Spotify_token())
response = requests.get(search_url, params=search_params, headers=search_headers)
# take the info and get the id of the playlist or song to use in another function to add to playlist in yt
response_json = response.json()
music_id = response_json['playlists']['items'][0]['id']
# The id necessary for finding songs(for songs we can use the name and artist field here)
return music_id
def findSongs(self):
# find soptifyPlaylist
playlist = self.findSpotifyPlaylist()
# request.get playlist by id to get the total number of songs
total_url = "{}/tracks".format(playlist)
total_parameters = {
"fields": "total",
"market": "US"
total_headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.get_Spotify_token())
total = requests.get(total_url, params=total_parameters, headers=total_headers)
total_json = total.json()
total_num_song = total_json["total"]
counter = 0
# create list to hold all of the song info from the playlist song_list[name][artist]
song_list = []
# use the total number of songs to loop through the playlist bc spotify caps it at 100
while total_num_song != 0:
# initial offset = 0
offset = counter
# check to see if there are more or less than 100 songs in the playlist as we traverse through it
if 100 < total_num_song:
counter = 100
counter = total_num_song
# counter will be the loop counter to make sure we are in bounds and will be the offset for the next
# recursion
# set arguments for the GET request
song_url = "{}/tracks".format(playlist)
song_parameters = {
"fields": "items(track(name,artists(name)))",
"offset": offset,
"market": "US"
song_headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self.get_Spotify_token())
# make the request
songs = requests.get(song_url, params=song_parameters, headers=song_headers)
songs_json = songs.json()
# loop with i to get all the songs which is the same number as counter
i = 0
while i < counter:
song_name = songs_json["items"][i]["track"]["name"]
song_artist = songs_json["items"][i]["track"]["artists"][0]["name"]
i = i + 1
total_num_song = total_num_song - counter
return song_list
yt = YouTubify()
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