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Last active December 23, 2021 13:21
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// Usage:
$post_id = 'POST_ID_HERE';
echo idx_get_grouped_features( $post_id );
Example Output:
<div class="idx_grouped_features">
<li>General: Eat-in Kitchen</li>
<li>Appliances: Dishwasher, Disposal, Microwave, Range, Refrigerator</li>
<li>Flooring: Tile</li>
<li>A/C: Central Air</li>
<li>Heating: Central</li>
<li>General: Block, Stucco, Fence, Sidewalk</li>
<li>Roofing: Shingle</li>
<li>HOA Amenities: Pool, 44.0, Monthly</li>
<li>Zoning: R-2</li>
function idx_get_grouped_features( $post_id ){
$key = '_ct_grouped_features';
$grouped_features = get_post_meta( $post_id, $key, true );
$output = '';
if( '' === $grouped_features ){
return $output;
$grouped_features = apply_filters( 'idx_get_grouped_features', json_decode( $grouped_features, true ), $grouped_features );
if( is_array( $grouped_features ) && ! empty($grouped_features) ){
$output = '<div class="idx_grouped_features">';
foreach( $grouped_features as $feature_group => $features_data ){
$output .= '<h4>'. esc_html( $feature_group ) .'</h4>';
$output .= '<ul>';
foreach( $features_data as $feature_section => $features ){
$feature_parts = explode(',', $features );
$feature_parts = array_map('trim', $feature_parts);
$output .= '<li>'. esc_html( $feature_section ) .': '.implode(', ', $feature_parts).'</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
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