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Last active February 20, 2024 16:20
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Flatten a font's GPOS kerning.
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
def _kerning_lookup_indexes(ttfont):
"""Return the lookup ids for the kern feature"""
for feat in ttfont['GPOS'].table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord:
if feat.FeatureTag == 'kern':
return feat.Feature.LookupListIndex
return None
def _flatten_format1_subtable(table):
"""Flatten pair on pair kerning"""
flattened_table = []
first_glyphs = {idx: g for idx, g in enumerate(table.Coverage.glyphs)}
for idx, pairset in enumerate(table.PairSet):
first_glyph = first_glyphs[idx]
for record in pairset.PairValueRecord:
flattened_table.append((first_glyph, record.SecondGlyph, record.Value1.XAdvance))
return flattened_table
def _flatten_format2_subtable(table):
"""Flatten class on class kerning"""
flattened_table = []
classes1 = _kern_class(table.ClassDef1.classDefs)
classes2 = _kern_class(table.ClassDef2.classDefs)
for idx1, class1 in enumerate(table.Class1Record):
for idx2, class2 in enumerate(class1.Class2Record):
if idx1 not in classes1:
if idx2 not in classes2:
if class2.Value1.XAdvance != 0:
for glyph1 in classes1[idx1]:
for glyph2 in classes2[idx2]:
flattened_table.append((glyph1, glyph2, class2.Value1.XAdvance))
return flattened_table
def _kern_class(class_definition):
"""Transpose a ttx classDef
{glyph_name: idx, glyph_name: idx} --> {idx: [glyph_name, glyph_name]}"""
classes = {}
for glyph,idx in class_definition.items():
if idx not in classes:
classes[idx] = []
return classes
def flatten_gpos_kerning(ttfont):
if not 'GPOS' in ttfont:
raise Exception("Font doesn's have GPOS table")
kerning_lookup_indexes = _kerning_lookup_indexes(ttfont)
if not kerning_lookup_indexes:
raise Exception("Font doesn't have a GPOS kern feature")
kern_table = []
for lookup_idx in kerning_lookup_indexes:
lookup = ttfont['GPOS'].table.LookupList.Lookup[lookup_idx]
for sub_table in lookup.SubTable:
if sub_table.Format == 1:
kern_table += _flatten_format1_subtable(sub_table)
if sub_table.Format == 2:
kern_table += _flatten_format2_subtable(sub_table)
return kern_table
if __name__ == '__main__':
font = TTFont('/Users/marc/Documents/googlefonts/manual_font_cleaning/anaheimFont/fonts/ttf/Anaheim-Regular.ttf')
kerning = flatten_gpos_kerning(font)
print "Flattened kern count {}".format(len(kerning))
from pprint import pprint
Flattened kern count 123435
[('seven', 'hbar', 40),
('seven', 'six', -52),
('seven.lf', 'hbar', 40),
('seven.lf', 'six', -52),
('one.osf', 'V', -100),
('one.osf', 'v', -80),
('two.osf', 'J', -40),
('two.osf', 'V', -80),
('two.osf', 'X', -50),
('two.osf', 'v', -40)]
[Finished in 0.3s]
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