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Created June 22, 2017 12:41
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import csv
import json
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
class SetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, set):
return list(obj)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def get_glyph_contours(font, glyph):
Flatten a glyph's components and count each contour
contour_count = 0
components = [glyph]
while components:
g = components.pop(0)
if g.isComposite():
for comp in g.components:
if g.numberOfContours != -1:
contour_count += g.numberOfContours
return contour_count
def get_font_data(font):
contour_map = []
cmap = font['cmap'].getcmap(3,1).cmap
cmap_reversed = dict(zip(cmap.values(), cmap.keys()))
for glyph_name in font.getGlyphSet().keys():
if glyph_name in cmap_reversed:
uni_glyph = cmap_reversed[glyph_name]
contours = get_glyph_contours(font, font['glyf'][glyph_name])
'unicode': uni_glyph,
'name': glyph_name,
'contours': set([contours])
return contour_map
def combine_fonts_data(fonts_data):
unnested_data = []
glyph_pos = {}
g_count = 0
for family in fonts_data:
for glyph in family:
if glyph['unicode'] not in glyph_pos:
glyph_pos[glyph['unicode']] = g_count
g_count += 1
unnested_contours = unnested_data[glyph_pos[glyph['unicode']]]['contours']
unnested_data[glyph_pos[glyph['unicode']]]['contours'] = unnested_contours | glyph['contours']
return unnested_data
def main():
fonts_path = [
'/Users/marc/Documents/googlefonts/manual_font_cleaning/20160628-gfnt/99 prepublic/fonts/desktop/Spectral-Regular.ttf',
fonts_data = []
for font_path in fonts_path:
font = TTFont(font_path)
m_data = combine_fonts_data(fonts_data)
with open('glyph_data.json', 'w') as glyph_file:
json.dump(m_data, glyph_file, indent=4, cls=SetEncoder)
print 'done'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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