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Created June 28, 2017 16:39
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Report how many issues/prs were opened and closed for a specific Github repository between two dates.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Report how many issues/prs were opened and closed for a specific
Github repository between two dates.
Issues between 2017-01-01 to 2017-06-01:
python <user> <pass> pallets/flask 2017-01-01 2017-06-01
The title and url of each issues/pr can be displayed by using the
-v, --verbose option.
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from argparse import ArgumentParser
def get_issues_paginate(request_issues, start, end, auth):
If there are too many issues for one page, iterate through the pages
to collect them all.
# get the non paginated issues to start with
issues = get_issues(request_issues, start, end)
print 'Getting paginated results, be patient...'
pages = dict(
[(rel[6:-1], url[url.index('<')+1:-1]) for url, rel in
[link.split(';') for link in
while 'last' in pages and 'next' in pages:
request_issues = requests.get(pages['next'], auth=auth)
page_issues = get_issues(request_issues, start, end)
for issue_type in page_issues:
issues[issue_type] = issues[issue_type] + page_issues[issue_type]
if pages['next'] == pages['last']:
return issues
def get_issues(request_issues, start, end):
Return a dictionary containing 3 categories of issues
issues = [i for i in request_issues.json()]
return {
"closed_issues": [i for i in issues
if i['closed_at'] and 'pull_request' not in i
and iso8601_to_date(i['closed_at']) <= end],
"opened_issues": [i for i in issues
if not i['closed_at'] and 'pull_request' not in i
and iso8601_to_date(i['created_at']) >= start
and iso8601_to_date(i['created_at']) <= end],
"closed_prs": [i for i in issues
if i['closed_at'] and 'pull_request' in i
and iso8601_to_date(i['closed_at']) >= start
and iso8601_to_date(i['closed_at']) <= end],
"opened_prs": [i for i in issues
if not i['closed_at'] and 'pull_request' in i
and iso8601_to_date(i['created_at']) >= start
and iso8601_to_date(i['created_at']) <= end],
def output_issues(issues, key):
for issue in issues[key]:
title = issue['title'][:50] + '...'
url = issue['url'].replace('', '')
print '%s\t%s\t%s' % (
title.ljust(50, ' '),
def iso8601_to_date(date_string):
"""Note, this function will strip out the time and tz"""
date_string = date_string.split('T')[0]
return datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
help="Your Github username")
help="Your Github password")
help="Repository in format user/repo")
help="Start date in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD")
help="End date in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help="Output all title and urls for prs and issues")
parser.add_argument('-ci', '--closed-issues',action='store_true',
help="Output all closed issues")
parser.add_argument('-oi', '--opened-issues',action='store_true',
help="Output all opened issues")
parser.add_argument('-cp', '--closed-pulls',action='store_true',
help="Output all closed/merged pull requests")
parser.add_argument('-op', '--opened-pulls',action='store_true',
help="Output all opened pull requests")
args = parser.parse_args()
start = iso8601_to_date(args.start)
end = iso8601_to_date(args.end)
if start > end:
raise ValueError('start time is greater than end time')
repo_url = "" % args.repo
request_params = {
'state': 'all',
'direction': 'asc',
'since': args.start,
'per_page': 100
auth = (args.username, args.password)
request_issues = requests.get(
# Check if issues span more than one page
if 'link' in request_issues.headers:
issues = get_issues_paginate(request_issues, start, end, auth)
issues = get_issues(request_issues, start, end)
if args.verbose:
output_issues(issues, 'closed_issues')
output_issues(issues, 'opened_issues')
output_issues(issues, 'closed_prs')
output_issues(issues, 'opened_prs')
if args.closed_issues:
output_issues(issues, 'closed_issues')
if args.opened_issues:
output_issues(issues, 'opened_issues')
if args.closed_pulls:
output_issues(issues, 'closed_prs')
if args.opened_pulls:
output_issues(issues, 'opened_prs')
print 'Issues closed\t%s' % len(issues['closed_issues'])
print 'Issues opened\t%s' % len(issues['opened_issues'])
print 'Pull requests closed/merged\t%s' % len(issues['closed_prs'])
print 'Pull requests opened\t%s' % len(issues['opened_prs'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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