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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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trait Source<'a> {
fn get(&mut self) -> Option<u8>;
fn mark(&self) -> &'a [u8];
fn restore(&mut self, &'a [u8]);
struct Slice<'a>(&'a [u8]);
impl<'a> Source<'a> for Slice<'a> {
fn get(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
if self.0.is_empty() {
} else {
let r = self.0[0];
self.0 = &self.0[1..];
fn mark(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
fn restore(&mut self, m: &'a [u8]) {
self.0 = m
trait Parser {
type Result;
fn parse(&self, &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result>;
/// Parser which succeeds on any input returning that input.
struct Any;
impl Parser for Any {
type Result = u8;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
/// Parser which succeeds on a specific character, returning that character.
struct Char(u8);
impl Parser for Char {
type Result = u8;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
i.get().and_then(|c| if c == self.0 { Some(c) } else { None })
/// Parser which succeeds on a range of characters (inclusive), returning the matched character.
struct Range(u8, u8);
impl Parser for Range {
type Result = u8;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
i.get().and_then(|c| if self.0 <= c && c <= self.1 { Some(c) } else { None })
/// Parser which succeeds if the character is present in a supplied list, returning the matched character.
struct OneOf<'a>(&'a [u8]);
impl<'a> Parser for OneOf<'a> {
type Result = u8;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
i.get().and_then(|c| if let Some(_) = self.0.iter().position(|&p| p == c) { Some(c) } else { None })
/// Parser which fails if the nested parser succeeds, does not consume input,
/// returning ``R`` upon success.
struct Not<P, R>(P, R)
where P: Parser,
R: Clone + Sized;
impl<P, R> Parser for Not<P, R>
where P: Parser, R: Clone + Sized {
type Result = R;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
let m = i.mark();
match self.0.parse(i) {
Some(_) => {
None => {
/// Parser which returns the result of the nested parser on success otherwise ``R``.
struct Maybe<P, R>(P, R)
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
R: Clone + Sized;
impl<P, R> Parser for Maybe<P, R>
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
R: Sized + Clone {
type Result = R;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
let m = i.mark();
match self.0.parse(i) {
Some(r) => Some(r),
None => {
/// Parser which applies the function ``F`` on the result of the nested parser on success.
struct Apply<P, R, F, U>(P, F)
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
F: Fn(R) -> U;
impl<P, R, F, U> Parser for Apply<P, R, F, U>
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
F: Fn(R) -> U {
type Result = U;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
/// Parser which attempts to parse ``P`` zero or more times, using the fold
/// function ``F`` to accumulate data into the accumulator ``A``.
struct Many<P, F, A, R>(P, F, A)
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
F: Fn(A, R) -> A,
A: Clone + Sized;
impl<P, F, A, R> Parser for Many<P, F, A, R>
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
F: Fn(A, R) -> A,
A: Clone + Sized {
type Result = A;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
let mut r = self.2.clone();
loop {
let m = i.mark();
match self.0.parse(i) {
Some(v) => r = self.1(r, v),
None => {
/// Parser which attempts to parse ``P`` one or more times, using the fold
/// function ``F`` to accumulate data into the accumulator ``A``.
struct Many1<P, F, A, R>(P, F, A)
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
F: Fn(A, R) -> A,
A: Clone + Sized;
impl<P, F, A, R> Parser for Many1<P, F, A, R>
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
F: Fn(A, R) -> A,
A: Clone + Sized {
type Result = A;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
let mut n = 0;
let mut r = self.2.clone();
loop {
let m = i.mark();
match self.0.parse(i) {
Some(v) => r = self.1(r, v),
None => {
n = n + 1;
if n > 0 {
} else {
/// Parser which attempts to parse ``P`` exactly ``usize`` times, using the fold
/// function ``F`` to accumulate data into the accumulator ``A``.
struct Count<P, F, A, R>(usize, P, F, A)
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
F: Fn(A, R) -> A,
A: Clone + Sized;
impl<P, F, A, R> Parser for Count<P, F, A, R>
where P: Parser<Result=R>,
F: Fn(A, R) -> A,
A: Clone + Sized {
type Result = A;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
let mut n = 0;
let mut r = self.3.clone();
loop {
let m = i.mark();
match self.1.parse(i) {
Some(v) => r = self.2(r, v),
None => {
n = n + 1;
if n == self.0 {
} else {
/// Attempts to match any of the supplied parsers in order, returning the result of the first matching parser.
struct Or<'a, P, R>(&'a [P])
where P: Parser<Result=R> + 'a;
impl<'a, P, R> Parser for Or<'a, P, R>
where P: Parser<Result=R> {
type Result = R;
fn parse(&self, i: &mut Source) -> Option<Self::Result> {
for p in self.0 {
let m = i.mark();
if let Some(r) = p.parse(i) {
return Some(r)
fn main() {
let d = b"123";
let mut s = Slice(d);
let a = Count(3, Range(b'0', b'9'), |a, x| a * 10 + (x - b'0'), 0);
println!("{:?}", a.parse(&mut s));
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