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Created September 5, 2015 19:50
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name = "test"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Martin Wernstål <>"]
path = "/Users/m4rw3r/Projects/Self/rust_parser"
extern crate parser;
fn main() {
use parser::{Parser, any};
let p = any();
assert_eq!(p.parse(b"abc").unwrap(), b'a');
println!("Hello, world!");
➜ test git:(master) RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo build
Compiling test v0.1.0 (file:///Users/m4rw3r/Projects/Self/test)
error: internal compiler error: unexpected panic
note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.
note: we would appreciate a bug report:
thread 'rustc' panicked at 'lookup_item: id not found: 168', src/librustc/metadata/
stack backtrace:
1: 0x10732d8f5 - sys::backtrace::write::hbde7a04ac5266f40Cxs
2: 0x1073369fe - panicking::on_panic::hebff0ba18b62efb1kYw
3: 0x1072f03e2 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::hda386695be757df8vGw
4: 0x1072f12bc - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::h44f59c609a1255fbBFw
5: 0x10476aeed - metadata::decoder::lookup_item::hc26e1bcb19aeca10wEm
6: 0x1047b0d85 - metadata::decoder::get_type::ha89a97806cf47c5ff5m
7: 0x10460dd8f - middle::ty::ctxt<'tcx>::lookup_item_type::h90f776e8ba65170dAUb
8: 0x104691ee6 - middle::traits::project::AssociatedTypeNormalizer<'a, 'b, 'tcx>.TypeFolder<'tcx>::fold_ty::h4250620a0cd6b0c9qUS
9: 0x103ccaffb - trans::monomorphize::normalize_associated_type::h9797616998959728155
10: 0x103de174d - trans::_match::mk_binding_alloca::h5170898935193750522
11: 0x103ce42e2 - trans::base::init_local::hf7ff2579d8f4cc6epOh
12: 0x103cf9e41 - trans::controlflow::trans_block::h525efef63d4d59baBWv
13: 0x103cf8f63 - trans::base::trans_closure::h8ec64c32aed57d2dsDi
14: 0x103cfa75c - trans::base::trans_fn::h6ef30290ba7abd49fNi
15: 0x103cfda33 - trans::base::trans_item::h22f6c760e884d5fdqcj
16: 0x103d0aabb - trans::base::trans_crate::h30b24ebb13c833e0uZj
17: 0x103b2b09c - driver::phase_4_translate_to_llvm::haff2f7661f8f87dd5Oa
18: 0x103b254c9 - driver::phase_3_run_analysis_passes::closure.16553
19: 0x103b1f46c - middle::ty::ctxt<'tcx>::create_and_enter::h6619625694301574285
20: 0x103b1a546 - driver::phase_3_run_analysis_passes::h5845844168846824478
21: 0x103b003cc - driver::compile_input::h0bb6f2513be6221fTba
22: 0x103be4010 - run_compiler::hf51db2af17c318e3A7b
23: 0x103be1aa0 - boxed::F.FnBox<A>::call_box::h17192164299326116466
24: 0x103be1317 - rt::unwind::try::try_fn::h12056537783116910705
25: 0x1073364af - __rust_try_inner
26: 0x1073364ea - __rust_try
27: 0x10731fe65 - rt::unwind::try::inner_try::h85467bc95f1212e0oCw
28: 0x103be1559 - boxed::F.FnBox<A>::call_box::h14521640817662912483
29: 0x10733548d - sys::thread::Thread::new::thread_start::h3fac1f56d650d810Z0v
30: 0x7fff900ce059 - _pthread_body
31: 0x7fff900cdfd6 - _pthread_start
Could not compile `test`.
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