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WIP of pre-RFC for saturating and wrapping integer wrapper types
  • Feature Name: saturating-and-checking-integer-wrapper-types
  • Start Date: (fill me in with today's date, YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


Implement two wrapper-types in std::num which provide two different types of behavior on overflow: saturating arithmetic and always checked arithmetic with the latter signalling a thread panic on overflow.


  • Currently the only wrapper type, Wrapping<T>, provides wrapping semantics on the basic operators but saturating or checked semantics are obtained through using methods directly on the primitive type. Saturating<T> and Checked<T> types would improve the ergonomics of using saturating and checked arithmetic.
  • Firefox media team wants to have a Checked<T> type which will panic on overflow in release mode which they can use in non-performance critical code. Currently writing checked code which causes a thread panic is far from ergonomic.
  • Saturating<T> would provide defined saturating behavior for division, remainder and negation as well as left- and right-shift operations. Currently only addition, subtraction and multiplication are implemented for the primitive types in the form of the saturating_* methods.
  • Improved performance can potentially be obtained for some of the operations by using intrinsics which would not be possible to do in a stable crate at the moment.

Detailed design

This proposal suggests two additional types alongside the intentionally wrapping wrapper-type Wrapping<T>: Saturating<T> and Checked<T>.

The two types will implement the same traits as Wrapping<T>. Below W<T> is the wrapper-type (Wrapping<T>, Saturating<T> or Checked<T>) and T is the wrapped integer primitive:

#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct W<T>(pub T);

impl Add<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl Sub<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl Mul<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl Div<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl Rem<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }

// Only for signed `T`
impl Neg          for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }

impl Not          for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl BitXor<W<T>> for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl BitOr<W<T>>  for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl BitAnd<W<T>> for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }

impl Shl<usize>   for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl Shr<usize>   for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }

impl AddAssign<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl SubAssign<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl MulAssign<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl DivAssign<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl RemAssign<W<T>>    for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl ShlAssign<usize>   for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl ShrAssign<usize>   for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl BitXorAssign<W<T>> for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl BitOrAssign<W<T>>  for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }
impl BitAndAssign<W<T>> for W<T> { type Output = W<T>; ... }

The *Assign trait implementations will perform the requested operation with the same semantics as the base implementation (eg. AddAssign will perform an addition using Add and assign the result to the left hand side).


The Checked<T> wrapper type should provide checked operations for +, -, *, unary -, /, %, << and >> which panic in the case of overflow like the primitive types do in debug-mode. Unlike the operations on the primitive types this checked arithmetic should be kept in release mode, preserving the semantics of panic on overflow.

Bitwise operations will be forwarded to the wrapped type.


assert_eq!(Saturating(255u8) + Saturating(1), Saturating(255u8));
assert_eq!(Saturating(128u8) << 1, Saturating(255u8));
  • The operators +, - and * saturate to MAX and MIN values for both signed and unsigned integers.

  • / and % cannot overflow on unsigned integers. For signed integers MIN / -1 and MIN % -1 can overflow since signed types follow two's complement: -1 * MIN = MAX + 1 and MIN is always even. The proposed results are MIN / -1 = MAX and MIN % -1 = MAX.

  • Unary - (negation) of MIN in signed integers should saturate to MAX in the case of -MIN.

  • Bitshift operators (<< and >>) saturate to MAX and MIN in the case of overflow of unsigned integers. For signed non-zero positive integers << saturate to MAX and >> saturate to 0. For signed non-zero negative integers << saturate to MIN and >> saturate to -1. Zero cannot saturate.

  • Bitwise operators operate directly on the wrapped value, just as Wrapping<T>.


  • Two additional wrapper-types to maintain in the standard library
  • The original numeric values still need to be lifted to the desired wrapping type (see ergonomics-of-wrapping-operations for a discussion about the ergonomics of Wrapping<T> and wrapping_* methods of primitive integer types). This is more of a question about the semantics of T + W<T> and W<T> + T which is not defined at the moment and not a part of this RFC.
  • Interest for alternative behavior on overflow might not warrant additional wrapper-types in stdlib.


Do nothing

Instead of Checked<T> and Saturating<T>, use the checked_* and saturating_* operations which are provided as inherent methods on the primitive integer types.

This can result in excessively verbose code for calculations, especially in the case of checked arithmetic:

let a = 5;
let b = 4;
// vs
let a = Checked(5);
let b = Checked(4);
(a + b) * Checked(3)
a + b * Checked(3)

let a = 5;
let b = 4;
// vs
let a = Saturating(5);
let b = Saturating(4);
(a + b) * Saturating(3)
a + b * Saturating(3)

Implement Checked<T> and Saturating<T> in an external library.

Additional dependency for a somewhat basic feature which already partially exists in stdlib (through the Wrapping<T> type).

Performance can also be a concern since intrinsics cannot be used for the implementation.

Implement checked and saturating arithmetic as separate operators

This has been proposed for wrapping operators and the conclusion was:

Reasons this was not pursued: New, strange operators would pose an entrance barrier to the language. The use cases for wraparound semantics are not common enough to warrant having a separate set of symbolic operators.

See: RFC #0560

Scoped attributes

This was also proposed for wrapping operators, but failed when the proposal for checked arithmetic in debug mode was proposed. The latter also introduced Wrapping<T>.

Unresolved questions

  • The saturation behavior of / and % on signed integers with the parameters MIN and -1.

    Since they both evaluate to MAX + 1 according to two's complement there is an argument to be made that they should saturate to MAX. The primitive signed integers keep their thread panic for the parameters MIN and -1 for division and remainder, while multiplication wraps. Keeping in line with this behavior could be desired.

  • The saturation behavior of >> on signed integers. Currently this is specified to saturate to -1 since that is the right-shift behavior according to two's complement (ie. keep the sign bit).

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