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Created September 7, 2015 16:59
Second version of the attoparsec benchmark for parsing HTTP header dumps writtien in rust using my experimental parser combinator, post version 3.
//! http parser comparable to the http-parser found in attoparsec's examples.
//! Reads data in the following format:
//! ```text
//! GET /robot.txt HTTP/1.1
//! Host: localhost
//! Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
//! ```
extern crate parser;
use parser::combinator::*;
use parser::monad::*;
use parser::parser::*;
use parser::Parser;
use parser::Input;
use parser::Error;
use std::fs::File;
use std::env;
struct Request<'a> {
method: &'a [u8],
uri: &'a [u8],
version: &'a [u8],
struct Header<'a> {
name: &'a [u8],
value: Vec<&'a [u8]>,
fn is_token(c: u8) -> bool {
// roughly follows the order of ascii chars: "\"(),/:;<=>?@[\\]{} \t"
c < 128 && c > 32 && c != b'\t' && c != b'"' && c != b'(' && c != b')' &&
c != b',' && c != b'/' && !(c > 57 && c < 65) && !(c > 90 && c < 94) &&
c != b'{' && c != b'}'
fn is_horizontal_space(c: u8) -> bool { c == b' ' || c == b'\t' }
fn is_space(c: u8) -> bool { c == b' ' }
fn is_not_space(c: u8) -> bool { c != b' ' }
fn is_end_of_line(c: u8) -> bool { c == b'\r' || c == b'\n' }
fn is_http_version(c: u8) -> bool { c >= b'0' && c <= b'9' || c == b'.' }
fn end_of_line<'a>(p: Input<'a, u8>) -> Parser<'a, u8, u8, Error<u8>> {
or(p, |p| mdo!{p,
ret u8, Error<u8>: b'\r'
}, |p| char(p, b'\n'))
fn http_version<'a>(p: Input<'a, u8>) -> Parser<'a, u8, &'a [u8], Error<u8>> {
version = take_while1(is_http_version);
ret version
fn request_line<'a>(p: Input<'a, u8>) -> Parser<'a, u8, Request<'a>, Error<u8>> {
method = take_while1(is_token);
uri = take_while1(is_not_space);
version = http_version;
ret Request {
method: method,
uri: uri,
version: version,
fn message_header_line<'a>(p: Input<'a, u8>) -> Parser<'a, u8, &'a [u8], Error<u8>> {
line = take_till(is_end_of_line);
ret line
fn message_header<'a>(p: Input<'a, u8>) -> Parser<'a, u8, Header, Error<u8>> {
name = take_while1(is_token);
lines = many1(message_header_line);
ret Header {
name: name,
value: lines,
fn request<'a>(p: Input<'a, u8>) -> Parser<'a, u8, (Request, Vec<Header>), Error<u8>> {
r = request_line;
h = many(message_header);
ret (r, h)
fn main() {
let mut contents: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
use std::io::Read;
let mut file = File::open(env::args().nth(1).expect("File to read")).ok().expect("Failed to open file");
let _ = file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
let i = parser::Iter::new(&contents, request);
println!("num: {}", i.count());
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