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Created February 7, 2020 01:20
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Bisq Growth Guidelines for Cycle 10-11

Bisq growth efforts haven't had much form, but that will need to change now. With the recent reorganization of the Bisq DAO into discrete teams, the growth function will have more well-defined priorities, processes, and roles going forward.

If you're looking to help with growth effort please read this post carefully. The purpose of this post is to outline a high-level form for growth going forward (particularly what priorities are) and changes in process to achieve them. Feedback is welcome.

A call to discuss this post will take place next week, probably Tuesday 11 February 2020.

Function Objective

This is a high-level item that probably won't change on a regular basis.

First, grow Bisq volume consistently beyond 2,100 BTC per month (or the equivalent of 16.8m USD per month).

Second, establish ongoing process and infrastructure to sustain this higher volume.

Cycle Priorities

These are priorities for the current cycle. All growth efforts in the current cycle should align directly with these priorities.

All efforts should focus on USD, EUR, and XMR—these have been the biggest markets on Bisq so far, have good momentum right now, and have the best potential of helping us achieve higher overall volume.

We can try smaller-scale, low-touch experiments with other markets if compelling opportunities to do so arise, but these should be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Priorities for Cycle 10 and 11:

  1. Determine and establish market-making bounties for high-priority markets.
  2. Implement a robust community engagement process to support (1).
  3. Create messaging and content to support efforts of (1) and (2).
  4. Prepare for Bitcoin 2020.
  5. Maintain the website and translations.


Details on each of these items follow below.

Over time, we'd like to branch out and broaden efforts to refine the website and SEO, establish relationships with relevant organizations like the parallel polises, make a press kit, guides for various user personas, etc., but for the immediate future we need to focus on liquidity and the bare minimum we must do to achieve that.

1. Encouraging Market Making

Key Bisq markets need to have strong offer books. All the promotion in the world won't matter if new users open Bisq to see no offers they would like to take.

To that end, we need to determine where offer books in key markets are lacking, and incentivize market makers to fill that gap.

Ways to do this:

  • analyze past trades and offer books to determine preferred trade sizes, payment methods, etc.
  • survey existing users for gaps

We should create and promote market-making bounties accordingly (of course we can continue maintaining the more open-ended bounties we have now too, but these targeted bounties should take precedence).

Priority markets:

  • USD
  • EUR
  • XMR


  • Are you a market maker? Please get in touch with us in #growth on Keybase about the market you'd like to address and what you'd like to do.
  • Do you have ideas for market making bounties that should be put in place? Propose your market-making bounty ideas in #growth on Keybase, and if it makes sense, we'll establish it as a bounty in the growth repository.
  • Do you know where market makers hang out? Spread the word about bounties in relevant channels to recruit market makers. Please let us know first in #growth on Keybase so we're aware and can help coordinate.

First round of bounties should be in place before the end of Cycle 10's proposal phase. Please discuss bounty ideas in #growth on Keybase before making a GitHub issue.

2. Community Engagement

We need to back up market-making with strong and consistent social/community initiatives to actually get people on Bisq to make trades.

Main initiative to make this happen:

  • designate "ambassadors" to follow particular channels and report on any important findings on their channels in the #pulse channel on Keybase

This simple practice will enable a wealth of other initiatives:

  • use insights from across channels to craft consistent messaging to address key topics, issues, misunderstandings, etc. through wiki articles, documentation, videos, infographics, etc
  • hold Bisq PULSE calls every other week to review important items from #pulse channel, communicate key Bisq news and developments, and hold Q&A sessions with community

This group of ambassadors should serve as Bisq's "ear to the ground" to inform the rest of the project (mainly development and support) about things they may not otherwise find out.

Priority channels:

  • Twitter
  • GitHub
  • Forum:
  • reddit: /r/bisq, /r/bitcoin, /r/monero
  • Telegram: bisq_p2p, monero, bitmonero
  • Podcasts


  • Are you interested in following any of the above channels on a regular basis? Please get in touch with us in #growth on Keybase. Folks familiar with the Monero community and those who listen to lots of podcasts are most needed right now.

3. Messaging and Content Creation

Please see section above on community engagement for background. Those effort form the basis for determining what messaging is needed, and it's up to creators to create the deliverables that we can propagate across channels.


  • Are you a skilled creator of videos, infographics, articles, documentation, etc? Please get in touch with us in #growth on Keybase.

4. Prepare for Bitcoin 2020

We'll be at Bitcoin 2020 in a big way: big booth, branding across the event, magazine back cover, speaking engagements, etc.

We need to make sure we make the most of this all ideas are welcome. The more creative, the better.

Current ideas:

  • T-shirt giveaway
  • ID selfie photo booth


  • Do you have any ideas about how Bisq can make the best use of the spotlight it'll have at Bitcoin 2020? Please get in touch with us in #growth on Keybase.

5. Website and Translations

For now, the website and translations will need to remain in maintainance mode. We don't have the funds to go full-speed on both liquidity and build website/translations at the same time.


  • Do you have low-touch/high-value suggestions for improving the website? Please get in touch with us in #growth on Keybase.
  • Would you be interested in maintaining software and website translations that already exist? Please get in touch with us in #transifex on Keybase.

Budget and Compensation

In accordance with the priority tasks listed above, here's a budget.

Please note that all compensation requests for growth items will need to fall within this budget, so it's crucial that you confirm that your work and expected compensation amount for that work are approved before you begin working.

Also, compensation requests should be submitted at least 1 week before the end of a cycle's proposal phase so team leads can review them.

If you've contributed to Bisq before, this is different from past cycles—compensation on delivered work is no longer guaranteed, and only work designated as a priority for that cycle is eligible for compensation at all.

Community                   $3000
Content Creation            $1000
Market Making Bounties      $1500
Website                     $1500
Translations                $750
Events                      $2500
Analytics                   $300
Miscellaneous               $150
Total                       $10700

Please keep in mind this is a brand-new thing, so we may need to adjust allocations as we proceed.

Next Steps

Please read through the sections that interest you, determine if/how you'd like to help, and say so in #growth or direction to @m52go on Keybase.

Also don't hesitate to share feedback about anything mentioned here. This is a new approach for carrying out growth for Bisq, and we'll be refining it over time.

Once everyone has had a chance to review this post, we'll have a call to go over priorities, processes, and roles. Target date for this call is Tuesday 11 February 2020.


The main place for most growth-related items is #growth on Keybase.

We'll also use the bisq-network/growth GitHub repository for some more persistent things. Note: that repository will be cleaned soon to become ready for more focused use.

There's also #pulse for social channel updates, #website for the website, and #transifex for translations.

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