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Mark Burnett m8urnett

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m8urnett / gist:4cdf2632eb74def5cbd383d85a136b76
Last active December 15, 2023 16:26
BlueSky Windows Security Feed Keywords
Here is the list of keywords monitored for the BlueSky feed
created using Because of the limitation of only being able to do a straight keyword match, this list is
tuned for fewer false matches over more comprehensive matches.
Please make any suggestions in the comments.
You are a bot that determines whether a number is randomly generated by a
computer or if a human tried typing a random number.
Humans have a hard time typing random numbers because they sometimes switch
between left hand and right hand on the keyboard. The alternating between hands
is a good indicator that a number was generated by a human, but the absence of
that does not indicate it was generated by a computer. Another flaw is that
humans too often type numbers that are close to each other on the top row of an
English keyboard (taking into consideration alternating hands). Sometimes, in
an attempt to be more random, the human will alternate between these techniques
m8urnett / r-AzureSecurity bookmarklet
Last active April 13, 2022 07:43
r-AzureSecurity bookmarklet
netsh rpc>filter
netsh rpc filter add rule layer=um actiontype=block
netsh rpc filter add condition field=if_uuid matchtype=equal data=12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab
netsh rpc filter>add filter
netsh rpc filter>quit
1. More interactivity
a. Better prompts for blocking new outbound connections
b. Rules-based alerting
2. Advanced rules
a. Access to stuff like this:
b. Regex or at least wildcard rules
c. Rules based on executable signer
d. Rules based on executable parameters (for java, python, etc.)
e. Rules based on time of day/day of week
3. Custom, switchable local profiles
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName='Microsoft-Windows-Windows Firewall With Advanced Security/Firewall';ID='2004';StartTime=(Get-Date).AddDays(-1);} |
select-object TimeCreated,
@{Name='Name'; Expression={$_.Properties[1].Value}},
@{Name='Application'; Expression={$_.Properties[4].Value}},
@{Name='Path'; Expression={$_.Properties[8].Value}},
@{Name='Created By'; Expression={$_.Properties[22].Value}},
@{Name='Direction'; Expression={$_.Properties[5].Value}},
@{Name='Action'; Expression={$_.Properties[7].Value}},
@{Name='Protocol'; Expression={$_.Properties[6].Value}},
@{Name='Local Port'; Expression={$_.Properties[11].Value}},
m8urnett / autosave.vb
Created August 5, 2020 20:06
VBA auto save
' Auto save because Microsoft forces you to use OneDrive for autosave now
' Instructions:
' 1. Show the Developer ribbon
' 2. Go into Visual Basic
' 3. Add a new module in Normal
' 4. Paste this code there
Const MINUTES_INTERVAL = 5 'Set the desired interval, in minutes
<filters numItems="4">
<name>Port Scanning Prevention Filter</name>
<description>This filter prevents port scanning. This many times means there are no listeners. If debugging ensure your scenario has one.</description>
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Declares the management portion of the FWP API.
#include <winapifamily.h>
#pragma region Desktop Family or AppRuntime Package
<name>Query User</name>
<description>Prompt the User for a decision corresponding this Inbound Traffic</description>