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Created September 5, 2015 12:58
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Advanced anchor-pivot switching support for every DisplayObject
//create some dummy containers & sprites
var container = new PIXI.Container;
var sprite1 = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
sprite1.position = new PIXI.Point(0,0);
sprite1.width = 20;
sprite1.height = 20;
var sprite2 = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
sprite2.position = new PIXI.Point(100,0);
sprite2.width = 20;
sprite2.height = 20;
//first the basic behavior
//by default pivot is the default property
//and anchor is automatically computed
container.pivot = new PIXI.Point(10,10); //center
//now, the pivot is not in the center
//of the container but remains on 10,10
//now swapping the default property to anchor
//you can swap def. prop. by assigning to it
container.anchor = new PIXI.Point(.5,.5); //center
//now, the pivot is still in the center
//let's try another thing
container.pivot = container.pivot; //set pivot as default
//pivot stays in the former center
//on the point 60,10
//setting computed point's properties doesn't work yet
//so this will take no effect on computed properties
container.anchor.x = 42;
//also this doesn't work on sprites because they've
//got their anchor property defined in the constructor
//then, during rendering, pivot and anchor are summed
(function main(){
if(typeof PIXI !== "object") return requestAnimationFrame(main);
//helper function to define getters and setters
function getSet(obj,prop,get,set){
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: get, set: set
//helper function to remove getters and setters
function realValue(obj,prop,value){
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: value
//apply automatic .anchor property calculation on obj
function autoAnchor(obj,anchorCache,pivotCache){
var firstRun = true;
* if WeakMap is not supported by browser,
* the computed property getter will always
* return a new object
if(!anchorCache && typeof WeakMap === "function"){
anchorCache = new WeakMap;
if(!pivotCache && typeof WeakMap === "function"){
pivotCache = new WeakMap;
getSet(obj,"anchor",function getter(){
//if the object exist in cache, return it
if(!firstRun && anchorCache && anchorCache.has(this)) return anchorCache.get(this);
//else create a new auto-computing point
var self = this;
var point;
if(firstRun && anchorCache && anchorCache.has(this)){
point = anchorCache.get(this);
point = new PIXI.Point();
getSet(point,"x",function(){ return self.pivot.x/self.width },function(){});
getSet(point,"y",function(){ return self.pivot.y/self.height },function(){});
if(anchorCache) anchorCache.set(this,point); //save to cache
* if the user tries to force change the computed property
* to pivot, he would logically do `obj.anchor=obj.anchor`
* this would however result in infinite recursion, therefore
* we mark the point as possibly recursive so we know we
* should remove the getters and setters
point._maybeRecursive = true;
return point;
},function setter(newValue){
//remove getsetters from a recursive value
//remove getsetters from anchor
//this feature is not compatibile with Sprite
if(this instanceof PIXI.Sprite) return;
if(pivotCache && this.pivot instanceof PIXI.Point){
//enable pivot auto-computation
//apply automatic .pivot property calculation on obj
//this is essentially the same, so I won't comment it
function autoPivot(obj,anchorCache,pivotCache){
var firstRun = true;
if(!anchorCache && typeof WeakMap === "function"){
anchorCache = new WeakMap;
if(!pivotCache && typeof WeakMap === "function"){
pivotCache = new WeakMap;
getSet(obj,"pivot",function getter(){
if(!firstRun && pivotCache && pivotCache.has(this)) return pivotCache.get(this);
//else create a new auto-computing point
var self = this;
var point;
if(firstRun && pivotCache && pivotCache.has(this)){
point = pivotCache.get(this);
point = new PIXI.Point();
getSet(point,"x",function(){ return self.anchor.x*self.width },function(){});
getSet(point,"y",function(){ return self.anchor.y*self.height },function(){});
if(pivotCache) pivotCache.set(this,point);
point._maybeRecursive = true;
return point;
},function setter(newValue){
if(this instanceof PIXI.Sprite) return;
if(anchorCache && this.anchor instanceof PIXI.Point){
//apply automatic anchor computation on DisplayObjects
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