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Created June 2, 2024 16:34
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If one were to create a custom OS for a DIY microcontroller-based device (for example a cyberdeck or a feature phone), what unorthodox design decisions could they take to make to make the OS interesting from a computer-theoretical standpoint? Two examples that come to my mind are: designing the OS to be used on a heterogeneous set of cores, each having different performance and capabilities; and making all executables sandboxed via WebAssembly, with configurable privileges.


Creating a custom OS for a DIY microcontroller-based device with unique and theoretically interesting design decisions can lead to fascinating and innovative results. Here are several unorthodox ideas you might consider:

1. Heterogeneous Core Utilization

As you mentioned, using a heterogeneous set of cores with different performance and capabilities can lead to interesting challenges and solutions:

  • Dynamic Task Allocation: Develop algorithms for dynamically allocating tasks to the most appropriate core based on current workload, task priority, and core capabilities.
  • Energy Efficiency: Implement power management strategies that exploit the heterogeneous nature of the cores to minimize energy consumption, possibly by offloading less critical tasks to lower-power cores.

2. WebAssembly-based Sandboxing

Using WebAssembly (Wasm) for all executables and providing configurable privileges adds an extra layer of security and portability:

  • Fine-Grained Security: Implement a capabilities-based security model where each Wasm module is granted specific capabilities based on its role and requirements.
  • Cross-Platform Execution: Leverage the portability of Wasm to allow applications to run on different hardware architectures without modification.

3. Event-Driven Architecture

Adopt an event-driven architecture, which can be particularly effective for resource-constrained environments:

  • Event Loops: Use an event loop to handle all asynchronous events, such as I/O operations, sensor inputs, and user interactions.
  • Reactive Programming: Incorporate reactive programming paradigms, where the flow of data and changes propagate automatically through the system.

4. Microkernel Design

Implement a microkernel architecture to enhance modularity and security:

  • Minimal Kernel: Keep the kernel minimal, handling only the most essential functions like inter-process communication (IPC) and basic scheduling.
  • User-Space Services: Move device drivers, file systems, and other services to user space to increase system stability and security.

5. Capability-Based Security Model

Implement a capability-based security model instead of traditional user/group-based permissions:

  • Capabilities as Tokens: Use tokens (capabilities) to represent the rights to perform operations on objects, such as files or devices.
  • Fine-Grained Control: Provide fine-grained control over what each process can do, reducing the risk of security breaches.

6. Distributed OS for Networked Microcontrollers

Design the OS to function as a distributed system across multiple microcontrollers:

  • Distributed Scheduling: Implement algorithms to schedule tasks across multiple nodes, optimizing for load balancing and redundancy.
  • Fault Tolerance: Develop mechanisms for fault detection and recovery, ensuring the system remains functional even if some nodes fail.

7. Persistent Memory and Transactional Systems

Incorporate concepts from persistent memory and transactional systems:

  • Persistent Storage: Use non-volatile memory to maintain state across reboots and power cycles, enabling quick recovery.
  • Transactional Memory: Implement transactional memory to simplify concurrency control and ensure consistency in the face of failures.

8. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Innovations

Explore innovative HCI methods suitable for microcontroller-based devices:

  • Minimalistic Interfaces: Develop extremely minimalistic yet efficient user interfaces tailored to limited input/output capabilities.
  • Gesture-Based Input: Integrate support for gesture-based inputs using sensors, making interaction more intuitive.

9. Temporal and Spatial Isolation

Implement strong temporal and spatial isolation mechanisms to ensure predictability and security:

  • Time-Triggered Execution: Adopt a time-triggered execution model where tasks are scheduled to run at specific times, providing deterministic behavior.
  • Memory Isolation: Use hardware features like memory protection units (MPUs) to enforce strict memory isolation between processes.

10. Formal Verification

Apply formal methods to verify the correctness of critical OS components:

  • Mathematical Proofs: Use mathematical proofs to ensure the correctness of the scheduler, IPC mechanisms, and security protocols.
  • Model Checking: Employ model checking techniques to verify that the system adheres to its specifications under all possible scenarios.

11. Adaptive and Self-Optimizing Systems

Design the OS to be adaptive and self-optimizing:

  • Machine Learning: Use machine learning algorithms to optimize performance, energy consumption, and resource utilization based on usage patterns.
  • Self-Tuning Parameters: Implement mechanisms for the OS to automatically tune its parameters to optimize for the current operating conditions.

By incorporating these unorthodox design decisions, you can create a custom OS that not only meets the functional requirements of a DIY microcontroller-based device but also explores new frontiers in OS design and computer theory.

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