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Created July 24, 2017 10:07
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Good example of Elm animation

From here:!topic/elm-discuss/bg7p-6W1F6c

type alias Item = 
  { content : String
  , id : Int 

type AnimState = Static | IsHidden Int | IsEntering Int

type Msg = AddItem Item | DisplayedHidden Int Time | TransitionEnded Int

type Model =
  { items : List Item
  , animState : AnimState

update msg model =
  case msg of
    AddItem item ->
      { model 
      | items = model.items ++ [ item ]
      , animState = IsHidden
      } ! []
    DisplayedHidden itemId _ ->
      { model
      | animState = IsEntering itemId
      } ! []
    TransitionEnded itemId ->
      { model
      | animState = Static
      } ! []

view model =
  ul [] (itemView model) model.items

itemView model item =
    itemAttributes =
      case model.animState of
        Static ->
          [ class "static" ]

        IsHidden itemId ->
          if == itemId then
            [ class "hidden" ]
            [ class "static" ]

        IsEntering itemId ->
          if == itemId then
            [ class "entering", onTransitionEnd (TransitionEnded itemId) ]
            [ class "static" ]
      [ text item.content ]

onTransitionEnd msg = 
  Html.Events.on "transitionend" (Json.succeed msg)

subscriptions model =
  case model.animState of
    IsHidden itemId ->
      AnimationFrame.times (DisplayedHidden itemId)

    _ ->

In your css, you would have the following classes for the item:

  • ".hidden" that does NOT use "display: none", but some other attributes (e.g. opacity, height, or transform: translate) to make the item invisible.
  • ".entering", which includes a "transition: xx" to do the animation from .hidden to .entering
  • ".static", which has the styling for after the animation.

Some remarks here:

  • you need a subscription for AnimationFrame, to ensure that elm has at least rendered once on screen before the next class is applied.
  • the transitionend (at least in Chrome) fires each time one element of the transition has ended, so if your css-transition has two animating elements (e.g. opacity and position), the transitionend will fire as soon as the first transition has ended
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