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Created March 24, 2022 16:54
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insanelib for Tinkers NetherFlat Challenge
#No more boring 3D Area of Effect Clouds
"Enable Area Effect Cloud 3D" = true
#A few fixes
"Enable Fixes" = true
#Set custom blocks appearing when fluids merge
"Enable Fluid Mixin" = true
#No more boring 3D Area of Effect Clouds
[Base."Area Effect Cloud 3D"]
#If true, vanilla Area of Effect Clouds will be replaced with 3D versions of them
"Replace Vanilla Area of Effect Clouds" = true
#A few fixes
#If true, mobs will have their follow range fixed.
"Fix Follow Range" = true
#Removes the random bonus health given to Leader Zombies. In vanilla it's useless since doesn't work.
"Remove Zombies Bonus Health" = true
#When affected by slowness the player can still jump really far away. When true, jumps length will be calculated base off player's movement speed.
"Fix Jump Movement Factor" = true
#The fix for Jump Movement Factor is applied only when the player is slowed down.
"Fix Jump Movement Factor Slowdown Only" = true
#Set custom blocks appearing when fluids merge
[Base."Fluid Mixin"]
#A list of fluids flowing over other fluids and the block created. It's highly recommended to use tags since fluids are split between still and flowing.
#Format must be modid:fluid_or_tag_id,modid:fluid_or_tag_id,modid_block_output[,modid:block_below_required]
#block_below_required is optional.
"Custom Fluid Mixin" = ["#minecraft:lava,#tconstruct:seared_stone,minecraft:tuff", "#minecraft:lava,#tconstruct:scorched_stone,minecraft:blackstone", "#minecraft:lava,#tconstruct:slime,minecraft:calcite", "#tconstruct:slime,#tconstruct:seared_stone,minecraft:andesite", "#tconstruct:slime,#tconstruct:scorched_stone,minecraft:granite", "#minecraft:water,#tconstruct:seared_stone,minecraft:cobbled_deepslate", "#minecraft:water,#tconstruct:scorched_stone,minecraft:cobbled_deepslate"]
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