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Created August 7, 2019 23:25
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Simpel ray tracer in cljs/quil.
;; Converted from this:
(ns ray.core
(:require [quil.core :as q :include-macros true]
[quil.middleware :as m]))
(defn col [r g b]
[r g b])
(defn pt [x y z]
[x y z])
(defn v [x y z]
[x y z])
(def *eye* (pt 0.0 0.0 200.0))
(def *light* (pt -5000 10000 -1200))
(def *world*
[[:plane (pt 0 -200 0) (v 0 -1 0) (col 2 2 2)]
[:sphere (pt -250 0 -1000) 200 (col 0 1 .5)]
[:sphere (pt 50 0 -1200) 200 (col 1 .5 0)]
[:sphere (pt 400 0 -1400) 200 (col 0 .5 1)]
[:sphere (pt -50 -150 -600) 50 (col 0 0 1)]
[:sphere (pt 200 -150 -800) 50 (col 1 0 0)]])
(defn add [v w]
(map + v w))
(defn sub [v w]
(map - v w))
(defn dot [v w]
(apply + (map * v w)))
(defn mul [k v] (map #(* k %) v))
(defn mag [v] (q/sqrt (apply + (map q/sq v))))
(defn unit-vector [v]
(let [d (mag v)]
(map (fn [j] (/ j d)) v)))
(defn distance [p1 p2]
(mag (map - p1 p2)))
;; Objects
(defn sphere-center [s] (second s))
(defn sphere-radius [s] (nth s 2))
(defn sphere-colour [s] (nth s 3))
(defn sphere-normal [s pt]
(unit-vector (sub (sphere-center s) pt)))
(defn plane-point [s] (second s))
(defn plane-normal [s] (nth s 2))
(defn plane-colour [s] (nth s 3))
(defn add-to-world [world & args]
(into world args))
(defn object-colour [s]
(case (first s)
:sphere (sphere-colour s)
:plane (plane-colour s)))
(defn object-normal [s pt]
(case (first s)
:sphere (sphere-normal s pt)
:plane (plane-normal s)))
(defn minroot [a b c]
(if (zero? a)
(/ (- c) b)
(let [disc (- (q/sq b) (* 4 a c))]
(when-not (neg? disc)
(min (/ (+ (- b) (q/sqrt disc)) (* 2 a))
(/ (- (- b) (q/sqrt disc)) (* 2 a)))))))
(defn sphere-hit [s pt pr]
(let [c (sphere-center s)
oc (map - pt c)]
(apply + (map q/sq pr))
(* 2 (dot oc pr))
(- (dot oc oc) (q/sq (sphere-radius s))))))
(defn plane-hit [s pt pr]
(let [denom (dot (plane-normal s) pr)]
(when-not (zero? denom)
(let [n (/ (dot (sub (plane-point s) pt) (plane-normal s)) denom)]
(when (>= n 0) n)))))
(defn object-hit [s pt pr]
(case (first s)
:sphere (sphere-hit s pt pr)
:plane (plane-hit s pt pr)))
(defn background [x y] (col 0.5 0.7 1))
(defn lambert [s hit pr]
(max 0 (dot pr (object-normal s hit))))
(defn first-hit [pt pr]
(reduce (fn [[_ _ dist :as f] s]
(if-let [d (object-hit s pt pr)]
(if-let [h (add pt (mul d pr))]
(if (or (nil? dist) (< d dist))
[s h d]
f) f) f))
[nil nil nil]
(defn send-ray [pt pr]
(let [f (first-hit pt pr)
s (first f)
hit (second f)]
(when s
(let [c (mul (lambert s hit pr) (object-colour s))
f2 (first-hit *light* (unit-vector (sub hit *light*)))
h2 (second f2)]
(< (distance hit h2) 1) c
:else (mul .75 c))))))
(defn colour-at [x y]
(let [c (send-ray
(sub (vector x y 0) *eye*)))]
(or c (background x y))))
(defn tracer []
(q/color-mode :rgb 1.0)
(dotimes [x 320]
(dotimes [y 256]
(let [[r g b] (colour-at (- x 160) (- y 128))]
(apply q/stroke [r g b 1])
(q/with-rotation [3.14159]
(q/with-translation [(/ (q/width) -1)
(/ (q/height) -1)]
(q/point x y)))))))
(defn draw []
; make background white
(q/background 255)
; run sketch
(q/defsketch ray-trace
:host "host"
:size [320 256]
:draw draw)
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