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Created February 6, 2024 22:02
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#include <Servo.h>
#include <ezButton.h>
// Constants
const int BUTTON_PIN_1 = 7; // Arduino pin connected to the first button's pin
const int BUTTON_PIN_2 = 6; // Arduino pin connected to the second button's pin
const int SERVO_PIN = 8; // Arduino pin connected to servo motor's pin
const int LED_PIN = 13; // Arduino pin connected to the LED
// Create ezButton objects for both buttons
ezButton button1(BUTTON_PIN_1);
ezButton button2(BUTTON_PIN_2);
Servo servo; // create servo object to control a servo
int angle = 0; // the current angle of the servo motor
int toangle = 180;
bool servoActive = false; // flag to track if the servo is currently active
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial
servo.attach(SERVO_PIN); // attaches the servo on pin 8 to the servo object
pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // set LED pin as output
void loop() {
button1.loop(); // MUST call the loop() function for the first button
// button2.loop(); // MUST call the loop() function for the second button
// Check the first button
if (button1.isPressed()) {
delay(50); // Pequeño retraso para evitar rebotes
if (button1.isPressed()) { // Verificar nuevamente si el botón sigue presionado
// Change angle of servo motor
if (!servoActive) {
angle = toangle;
delay(500); // Pequeño retraso para permitir que el servo se mueva
servoActive = true;
} else {
angle = 0;
delay(500); // Pequeño retraso para permitir que el servo se mueva
servoActive = false;
// Check the second button
if (button2.isPressed()) {
delay(50); // Pequeño retraso para evitar rebotes
if (button2.isPressed()) { // Verificar nuevamente si el botón sigue presionado
// Change angle of servo motor
if (!servoActive) {
angle = toangle;
delay(500); // Pequeño retraso para permitir que el servo se mueva
servoActive = true;
} else {
angle = 0;
delay(500); // Pequeño retraso para permitir que el servo se mueva
servoActive = false;
// Check if servo is at toangle (with a tolerance) and turn on LED
if (servoActive && abs( - toangle) <= 2) {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on LED
} else {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Turn off LED
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