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Created October 24, 2017 08:14
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* The pcap file is the results of the following...
* tcpdump -G 60 -v arp and 'arp[7]==2' -w test_%M.pcap
function sender_mac_address($pcapfilename,$packetstart){
$bincap = file_get_contents($pcapfilename);
$txtcap = bin2hex($bincap);
$mac1 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 76, 2);
$mac2 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 78, 2);
$mac3 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 80, 2);
$mac4 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 82, 2);
$mac5 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 84, 2);
$mac6 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 86, 2);
return $mac1.":".$mac2.":".$mac3.":".$mac4.":".$mac5.":".$mac6;
function sender_ip_address($pcapfilename,$packetstart){
$bincap = file_get_contents($pcapfilename);
$txtcap = bin2hex($bincap);
$ip1 = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 88,2));
$ip2 = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 90,2));
$ip3 = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 92,2));
$ip4 = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 94,2));
return $ip1.".".$ip2.".".$ip3.".".$ip4;
function target_mac_address($pcapfilename,$packetstart){
$bincap = file_get_contents($pcapfilename);
$txtcap = bin2hex($bincap);
$mac1 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 96, 2);
$mac2 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 98, 2);
$mac3 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 100, 2);
$mac4 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 102, 2);
$mac5 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 104, 2);
$mac6 = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 106, 2);
return $mac1.":".$mac2.":".$mac3.":".$mac4.":".$mac5.":".$mac6;
function target_ip_address($pcapfilename,$packetstart){
$bincap = file_get_contents($pcapfilename);
$txtcap = bin2hex($bincap);
$ip1 = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 108,2));
$ip2 = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 110,2));
$ip3 = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 112,2));
$ip4 = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 114,2));
return $ip1.".".$ip2.".".$ip3.".".$ip4;
function maxlength($pcapfilename){
$bincap = file_get_contents($pcapfilename);
$txtcap = bin2hex($bincap);
return strlen($txtcap);
function timeval($pcapfilename,$packetstart)
$bincap = file_get_contents($pcapfilename);
$txtcap = bin2hex($bincap);
$dtime = hexdec(substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 6, 2) . substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 4, 2) . substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 2, 2) . substr($txtcap, $packetstart, 2));
//$stime = date('Y/m/d H:i:s',$timeval + strtotime('1970/01/01 09:00:00'));
return date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $dtime);
function check_arpdata($pcapfilename,$packetstart){
$bincap = file_get_contents($pcapfilename);
$txtcap = bin2hex($bincap);
$type = hexdec(substr($txtcap,$packetstart + 56,4));
if($type = '0806'){
return true;
echo $txtcap.PHP_EOL;
echo "type is ".$type."?".PHP_EOL;
return false;
function padding($pcapfilename,$packetstart){
$bincap = file_get_contents($pcapfilename);
$txtcap = bin2hex($bincap);
// $padding = substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 116, 36);
// if($padding == '000000000000000000000000000000000000'){
// return 0;//パケット終端にパディング有り
// }else{
// return 36;//パケット終端にパッディング無し(パディング分152から36減らす)
// }
if(substr($txtcap, $packetstart + 208, 4) == '0806'){
return 0;//パケット終端にパディング有り
return 36;//パケット終端にパッディング無し(パディング分36減らす)
function init_packetstart(){
$packetstart = 48;//Global header
return $packetstart;
function init_packetend(){
$packetend = 152;//ARP Packet header + data(パディング有り)
return $packetend;
function md5sum($f){
$fcheck = $f.".check";
$fline = file_get_contents($fcheck);
if(false == $fline){
file_put_contents($fcheck, $f.",".md5_file($f));
$result = true;
if($fline == $f.",".md5_file($f)){
$result = false;//何もしない
file_put_contents($fcheck, $f.",".md5_file($f));//上書き
$result = true;
echo $result;
return $result;
function md5sum_noupd($f){
$fcheck = $f.".check";
$fline = file_get_contents($fcheck);
if(false == $fline){
$result = false;//何もしない
if($fline == $f.",".md5_file($f)){
$result = false;//何もしない
$result = true;
echo $result;
return $result;
//データアップロード(HTTP Request)
function data_send($url,$timeval,$mac_address,$ip_address, $pcapfilename){
$postdata = array(
'timeval' => $timeval,
'mac_address' => $mac_address,
'ip_address' => $ip_address,
'pcap_fname' => $pcapfilename,
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$html = http_post($url, $postdata);
return $html;
//データ削除(HTTP Request)
function data_delete($url,$mac_address,$ip_address){
$postdata = array(
'mac_address' => $mac_address,
'ip_address' => $ip_address,
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$html = http_post($url, $postdata);
return $html;
function flg_arp_records($url,$mac_address,$ip_address){
$postdata = array(
'mac_address' => $mac_address,
'ip_address' => $ip_address,
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$html = http_post($url, $postdata);
return $html;
function arp_blocks($url,$timeval,$mac_address,$ip_address,$result){
$postdata = array(
'timeval' => $timeval,
'mac_address' => $mac_address,
'ip_address' => $ip_address,
'result' => $result,
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$html = http_post($url, $postdata);
return $html;
function flg_arp_controls($url,$mac_address,$ip_address){
$postdata = array(
'mac_address' => $mac_address,
'ip_address' => $ip_address,
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$html = http_post($url, $postdata);
return $html;
function flg_arp_controls_ip($url,$ip_address){
$postdata = array(
'ip_address' => $ip_address,
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$html = http_post($url, $postdata);
return $html;
function http_post($url, $postdata){
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($postdata));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // Private証明書対策
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); //
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE); // Locationヘッダを追跡
$html = curl_exec($ch);
return $html;
function parse_csv($filepath,$item_name){
$file = new SplFileObject($filepath);
foreach ($file as $line) {
if (empty($line[0])){
$cnt = count($line);
if($line[0] == $item_name){
$value = $line[1];
return $value;
function sensor_id(){
return parse_csv(dirname(__FILE__).'/env', 'SENSOR_ID');
function sensor_mac_address(){
return parse_csv(dirname(__FILE__).'/env', 'MAC_ADDRESS');
function sensor_server_url(){
return parse_csv(dirname(__FILE__).'/env', 'SERVER_URL');
function sensor_system_root(){
return parse_csv(dirname(__FILE__).'/env', 'SYSTEM_ROOT');
function sensor_version(){
return parse_csv(dirname(__FILE__).'/env', 'VERSION');
function arp_sensor(){
$postdata = array(
'sensor_id' => sensor_id(),
'mac_address' => sensor_mac_address(),
'version' => sensor_version(),
'sensor_status' => 1
$html = http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_api", $postdata);
return $html;
function sensor_operation(){
$postdata = array(
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$operation = http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_operation_get_api", $postdata);
if($operation == 2){ //シャットダウン
$postdata = array(
'sensor_id' => sensor_id(),
'sensor_status' => 3
http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_operation_put_api", $postdata);
exec('/usr/sbin/shutdown -h now');
// return http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_operation_put_api", $postdata);
}elseif($operation == 4){ //再起動
$postdata = array(
'sensor_id' => sensor_id(),
'sensor_status' => 5
http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_operation_put_api", $postdata);
exec('/usr/sbin/shutdown -r now');
// return http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_operation_put_api", $postdata);
return arp_sensor(); //センサー起動中
function arp_update(){
$network_addr = sensor_network_addr();
$srcMac = '01:02:03:04:05:06';
$block_nodes = block_node();
for($i = 1; $i < count($block_nodes); $i++){ //取得したブロック対象ノードひとつずつ処理
list($dstMac, $dstIP) = explode(",", $block_nodes[$i]);
list($network_ip, $mask) = explode('/', $network_addr);
$j = 1;
$imax = pow(2, 32 - $mask) - 2;
for($j = 1; $j <= $imax; $j++){
$srcIP = long2ip(ip2long($network_ip) + $j);
exec(sensor_system_root().'/arp_update '.$dstIP.' '.$dstMac.' '.$srcIP.' '.$srcMac.' > /dev/null &');
arp_blocks(sensor_server_url()."/arp_blocks_api",date("Y/m/d H:i:s"),$dstMac,$dstIP,1);
function arp_update_by_addr($dstMac, $dstIP){ //アドレス指定でarpupdate実行
$network_addr = sensor_network_addr();
$srcMac = '01:02:03:04:05:06';
while(1){ //プロセスKILLまで無限ループ
$block_nodes = block_node();
list($network_ip, $mask) = explode('/', $network_addr);
$j = 1;
$imax = pow(2, 32 - $mask) - 2;
for($j = 1; $j <= $imax; $j++){
$srcIP = long2ip(ip2long($network_ip) + $j);
exec(sensor_system_root().'/arp_update '.$dstIP.' '.$dstMac.' '.$srcIP.' '.$srcMac.' > /dev/null &');
arp_blocks(sensor_server_url()."/arp_blocks_api",date("Y/m/d H:i:s"),$dstMac,$dstIP,1);
//センサー ネットワークアドレス取得(サーバ側で設定)
function sensor_network_addr(){
$postdata = array(
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$network_addr = http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_network_addr_get_api", $postdata);
return $network_addr;
//センサー ネットワークアドレス取得(サーバ側で設定)
function sensor_ip_addr(){
$postdata = array(
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$ip_addr = http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_ip_addr_get_api", $postdata);
return $ip_addr;
function block_node(){
$postdata = array(
'sensor_id' => sensor_id()
$block_node_line = http_post(sensor_server_url()."/arp_sensors_block_node_get_api", $postdata);
$block_nodes = explode("|", $block_node_line);
return $block_nodes;
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