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Created November 30, 2022 20:05
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import pytest
from playwright.sync_api import Page, expect
url = ""
def this_is_sample():
with open('bible.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
return str(lines)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('input_text, expect_wordcount, expect_discouraged, expect_violation',
("word", "1", "0", "0"),
("If programming's the act of teaching a computer to have a conversation with a user, it most useful to first teach the computer how to speak.","26","0","1"), #bug: programming's is counted as two words when it is shortening for is-verb
("we're", "1", "1", "0") #bug: 're incorrectly recognized - should be recognized and isn't.
("be\nare\nis", "3", "3", "0"), #bug miscalculation
("be \nare \nis", "3", "3", "0"), #bug extra space on grey area
("The whole new world !", "4", "0", "0"), #bug symbols surounded by space(s) are counted as words
("", "1", "0", "0"),
("\"be\"", "1", "1", "0"),
(10000*"be" , "1", "0", "0"), #bug doesn fit the grey box
(10000*"be " , "10000", "10000", "0"), #bug: no vertical scrolling (fixed)
("'be'", "1", "1", "0") #bug single quotes makes "be" unrecognizable
(this_is_sample(), "31172", "21", "1")
def test_parametrized_test(page: Page, input_text, expect_wordcount, expect_discouraged, expect_violation):
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