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Created March 26, 2022 09:19
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ShadowCasting as Bob Nystrom (translated from Dart to Swift)
// MARK: Shadowcasting
/// Based on the explanation and Dart code:
/// Translated to Swift
private func transformOctant(row: Int, col: Int, octant: Int) -> Vector {
switch octant {
case 0:
return Vector( x: col, y: -row)
case 1:
return Vector( x: row, y: -col)
case 2:
return Vector( x: row, y: col)
case 3:
return Vector( x: col, y: row)
case 4:
return Vector(x: -col, y: row)
case 5:
return Vector(x: -row, y: col)
case 6:
return Vector(x: -row, y: -col)
case 7:
return Vector(x: -col, y: -row)
return Vector(x: col, y: row)
private func refreshOctant(map: Map, octant: Int) {
let line = ShadowLine()
var fullShadow = false
let hero = msEntity.position
for row in 0 ..< visionRange {
// Stop once we go out of bounds.
//let pos = hero + transformOctant(row: row, col: 0, octant: octant);
for col in 0 ... row {
let pos = hero + transformOctant(row: row, col: col, octant: octant)
let distance = Vector.distance(pos, hero)
if distance <= Double(visionRange) {
if fullShadow {
//[pos.x, pos.y, levelIndex].visible = false
} else {
let projection = Shadow.projectTile(row: row, col: col)
// Set the visibility of this tile.
let visible = line.isInShadow(projection) == false
//[pos.x, pos.y, levelIndex].visible = visible;
if visible {
let light = 1.0 / (distance)
tileVisibility[pos] = .visible(lit: light)
// Add any opaque tiles to the shadow map.
if visible && map.getCell(pos).blocksLight == true {
fullShadow = line.isFullShadow
private final class ShadowLine {
var shadows = [Shadow]()
var isFullShadow: Bool {
return shadows.count == 1 && shadows[0].start == 0 && shadows[0].end == 1
func isInShadow(_ projection: Shadow) -> Bool {
for shadow in shadows {
if shadow.contains(other: projection) {
return true
return false
func add(_ shadow: Shadow) {
// Figure out where to slot the new shadow in the list.
var index = 0
while index < shadows.count {
// Stop when we hit the insertion point.
if (shadows[index].start >= shadow.start) {
index += 1
// The new shadow is going here. See if it overlaps the
// previous or next.
var overlappingPrevious: Shadow?
if index > 0 && shadows[index - 1].end > shadow.start {
overlappingPrevious = shadows[index - 1];
var overlappingNext: Shadow?
if index < shadows.count && shadows[index].start < shadow.end {
overlappingNext = shadows[index];
// Insert and unify with overlapping shadows.
if overlappingNext != nil {
if overlappingPrevious != nil {
// Overlaps both, so unify one and delete the other.
overlappingPrevious!.end = overlappingNext!.end
shadows.remove(at: index)
} else {
// Overlaps the next one, so unify it with that.
overlappingNext!.start = shadow.start
} else {
if overlappingPrevious != nil {
// Overlaps the previous one, so unify it with that.
overlappingPrevious!.end = shadow.end
} else {
// Does not overlap anything, so insert.
shadows.insert(shadow, at: index)
private final class Shadow {
var start: Double
var end: Double
init(start: Double, end: Double) {
self.start = start
self.end = end
/// Creates a [Shadow] that corresponds to the projected
/// silhouette of the tile at [row], [col].
static func projectTile(row: Int, col: Int) -> Shadow {
let c = Double(col)
let r = Double(row)
let topLeft = c / (r + 2)
let bottomRight = (c + 1) / (r + 1)
return Shadow(start: topLeft, end: bottomRight)
/// Returns `true` if [other] is completely covered by this shadow.
func contains(other: Shadow) -> Bool {
return start <= other.start && end >= other.end
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