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Created July 10, 2016 09:37
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#!/bin/sh -e
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This adds support for Chromebook keyboard special keys.
# For example, we map Search+arrows to Page Up/Down/Home/End. This is
# done at the browser level in Chromium OS (i.e., not at the hardware
# or keymap level).
# The mapping of Search+F1-F10 is reversed compared to Chromium OS:
# Pressing the back key still produces F1, Search+F1 is required to
# generate XF86Back.
# We do this by adding an overlay, and using Super_L (Search key) as
# the overlay latch.
# An additional mapping is needed to make sure that Super_R is not
# sent when the Search key is released (this is a little strange,
# and I'm not sure why this happens).
DESCRIPTION='Adds support for Chromebook keyboard special keys.'
#. "${TARGETSDIR:="$PWD"}/common"
### Append to
#if [ "${DISTROAKA:-"$DISTRO"}" = 'debian' ]; then
# Make sure we start from a fresh package
apt-mark unhold xkb-data || true 2>/dev/null
apt-get -y install --reinstall xkb-data
XKBROOTTMP="`mktemp -d crouton-xkb.XXXXXX --tmpdir=/tmp`"
mkdir -p "$XKBROOTTMP/compat" "$XKBROOTTMP/symbols" "$XKBROOTTMP/rules"
cat > "$XKBROOTTMP/compat/chromebook" <<END
// Overlay1_Enable is a latch key for overlay1
default partial xkb_compatibility "overlay" {
interpret Overlay1_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
action= SetControls(controls=Overlay1);
cat > "$XKBROOTTMP/symbols/chromebook" <<END
// This mapping assumes that inet(evdev) will also be sourced
xkb_symbols "overlay" {
key <LWIN> { [ Overlay1_Enable ], overlay1=<LWIN> };
key <AB09> { overlay1=<INS> };
key <LEFT> { overlay1=<HOME> };
key <RGHT> { overlay1=<END> };
key <UP> { overlay1=<PGUP> };
key <DOWN> { overlay1=<PGDN> };
key <FK01> { overlay1=<I247> };
key <I247> { [ XF86Back ] };
key <FK02> { overlay1=<I248> };
key <I248> { [ XF86Forward ] };
key <FK03> { overlay1=<I249> };
key <I249> { [ XF86Reload ] };
key <FK04> { overlay1=<I235> }; // XF86Display
key <FK05> { overlay1=<I250> };
key <I250> { [ XF86ApplicationRight ] };
key <FK06> { overlay1=<I232> }; // XF86MonBrightnessDown
key <FK07> { overlay1=<I233> }; // XF86MonBrightnessUp
key <FK08> { overlay1=<MUTE> };
key <FK09> { overlay1=<VOL-> };
key <FK10> { overlay1=<VOL+> };
key <AE01> { overlay1=<FK01> };
key <AE02> { overlay1=<FK02> };
key <AE03> { overlay1=<FK03> };
key <AE04> { overlay1=<FK04> };
key <AE05> { overlay1=<FK05> };
key <AE06> { overlay1=<FK06> };
key <AE07> { overlay1=<FK07> };
key <AE08> { overlay1=<FK08> };
key <AE09> { overlay1=<FK09> };
key <AE10> { overlay1=<FK10> };
key <AE11> { overlay1=<FK11> };
key <AE12> { overlay1=<FK12> };
key <BKSP> { overlay1=<DELE> };
key <LALT> { overlay1=<CAPS> };
key <RALT> { overlay1=<CAPS> };
// For some strange reason, some Super_R events are triggered when
// the Search key is released (i.e. with overlay on).
// This maps RWIN to a dummy key (<I253>), to make sure we catch it.
key <RWIN> { [ NoSymbol ], overlay1=<I253> };
// Map dummy key to no symbol
key <I253> { [ NoSymbol ] };
awk '
# default: print line
# rules/base.ml1_c.part
/^! model[ \t]*layout\[1\][ \t]*=[ \t]*compat$/{
print " chromebook * = complete+chromebook"
# rules/base.ml_c.part
/^! model[ \t]*layout[ \t]*=[ \t]*compat$/{
print " chromebook * = complete+chromebook"
# rules/evdev.m_s.part
/^! model[ \t]*=[ \t]*symbols$/{
print " chromebook = +inet(evdev)+chromebook(overlay)"
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
if (found[i] != 1) {
print "Error: " FILENAME ": rule " i ": applied " found[i] " times" > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
' "$XKBROOT/rules/evdev" > "$XKBROOTTMP/rules/evdev"
# rules/
awk '
# default: print line
print " <model>";
print " <configItem>";
print " <name>chromebook</name>";
print " <description>Chromebook</description>";
print " <vendor>Google</vendor>";
print " </configItem>";
print " </model>"
if (found != 1) {
print "Error: " FILENAME ": rule applied " found " times" > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
' "$XKBROOT/rules/evdev.xml" > "$XKBROOTTMP/rules/evdev.xml"
awk '
# default: print line
/^! model$/{
print " chromebook Chromebook"
if (found != 1) {
print "Error: " FILENAME ": rule applied " found " times" > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
' "$XKBROOT/rules/evdev.lst" > "$XKBROOTTMP/rules/evdev.lst"
# Apply the modifications
#if [ "${DISTROAKA:-"$DISTRO"}" = 'debian' ]; then
# Hold xkb-data, so that it does not get updated
apt-mark hold xkb-data
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