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Last active December 18, 2015 01:29
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Generates all productions of a given length for a regex-defined grammar. e.g. a*(a|b)b* -> val expr = Concat(Star(Literal('a')),Concat(Or(Literal('a'),Literal('b')), Star(Literal('b')))) expr.produce(5) = Set[String] = Set(abbbb, aaaab, bbbbb, aaabb, aaaaa, aabbb) The regex parser to generate the expression is a TODO for the reader :-)
case class Limit(start:Int, end:Int) {
def union(r2:Limit) = new Limit(start.min(r2.start), end.max(r2.end))
def concat(r2:Limit) = new Limit(start.max(r2.start), end + r2.end)
def toRange = start until end inclusive
abstract class Expr {
def range(limit: Int): Limit
def produce(lenght: Int): Set[String]
case class Literal(c:Char) extends Expr {
val singleElem = new Limit(1,1)
val emptySet:Set[String] = Set()
def range(limit: Int): Limit = singleElem
def produce(length:Int): Set[String] = {
if (length == 1) {
else emptySet
case class Star(child: Expr) extends Expr {
def range(limit: Int) = new Limit(0,limit)
def produce(length:Int):Set [String] = {
if (length == 0) Set ()
def multiplyString(s:String, l:Int) = {
val sb = new StringBuilder;
(1 until l/s.length() inclusive).foreach(x=>{sb.append(s)})
def multiply(set: Set[String]) : Set[String] = {> multiplyString(x,length))
def product(s0: Set[String], l: Int): Set[String] = {
if (l == 0) s0 else product(s0.union(child.produce(l)), l-1)
multiply(product(Set(), child.range(length).end))
case class Or(left:Expr, right:Expr) extends Expr {
def range(limit:Int) = left.range(limit).union(right.range(limit))
def produce(length:Int):Set [String] = left.produce(length) union right.produce(length)
case class Concat(left:Expr, right:Expr) extends Expr {
def range(limit:Int) = left.range(limit).concat(right.range(limit))
def internalProduct(s1: Set[String], s2:Set[String]):Set[String] = {
for {x<-s1; y<-s2} yield x+y;
def produce(length:Int):Set[String] = {
val validCombinations = for {x<-left.range(length).toRange; y<-right.range(length).toRange; if (x+y==length) } yield (x,y)
val product = validCombinations.flatMap({case (x,y) => internalProduct(left.produce(x), right.produce(y))})
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