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Created May 17, 2023 08:55
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Clickhouse Architecture

  • ClickHouse is a columnar database that supports SQL queries. It stores data in columns rather than rows, which makes it very efficient for analytical queries on large datasets.
  • It is designed to handle massive amounts of data and can scale horizontally across multiple servers.
  • ClickHouse has a pluggable storage engine architecture, which allows it to work with different types of storage like local disks, distributed file systems, object stores, and cloud storage.
  • ClickHouse also supports replication and sharding for high availability and performance.

Use Cases

  • ClickHouse is designed for OLAP (online analytical processing) workloads, which involve running complex analytical queries on large datasets.
  • It is commonly used for time-series data, log analytics, clickstream analysis, and business intelligence.
  • ClickHouse is often used in conjunction with other databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL, which are used for OLTP (online transaction processing) workloads.

Comparison to InfluxDB and Graphite

  • InfluxDB and Graphite are also popular time-series databases, but they have different architectures and use cases compared to ClickHouse.
  • InfluxDB is a more traditional row-based database that is optimized for high write throughput and real-time queries. It is often used for IoT and sensor data.
  • Graphite is primarily focused on graphing and visualization of time-series data. It is designed to be highly modular and extensible, with a focus on customizability and integration with other tools.
  • ClickHouse's columnar architecture makes it more efficient for analytical queries on large datasets, but it may not be as performant for real-time queries or high write throughput.

Running ClickHouse in Kubernetes

  • ClickHouse can be run in Kubernetes using the ClickHouse Kubernetes Operator, which provides a declarative way to manage ClickHouse clusters.
  • The operator handles tasks like scaling, monitoring, and failover, and can be configured to work with different storage backends like local disks or cloud storage.
  • ClickHouse can also be run in Kubernetes using a Helm chart or custom deployment scripts.

Operational Maintenance and Tuning

  • Like any database, ClickHouse requires regular maintenance and tuning to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
  • Some best practices for ClickHouse include properly sizing the cluster, choosing the right storage backend, optimizing queries, and monitoring performance metrics like CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O.
  • ClickHouse also has a number of configuration options that can be tuned to optimize performance for specific workloads.
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