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Created December 2, 2020 14:19
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[| tag delay x exec_pr semaphorExecutor executor watcher |
x := 0.
tag := self.
delay := 5 seconds asDelay.
exec_pr := Processor activePriority - 10.
self traceCr: Time now print24.
semaphorExecutor := Semaphore new.
executor := [
[[ delay wait.
self traceCr: 'Im done at: ', Processor activePriority asString.
semaphorExecutor signal] ensure: [ "evaluate the receiver"
executor := nil.
delay delaySemaphore signal ]]
on: TimedOut
do: [ :qq | self traceCr: 'I am killed'. semaphorExecutor signal ] ] newProcess.
executor priority: exec_pr .
watcher := [ |goOn|
self traceCr: 'Watcher started'.
goOn := true.
[ goOn ] whileTrue:
x := x + 1.
self traceCr: 'Checking on ', x asString.
x >= 3 ifTrue: [
self traceCr: 'Killing executor'.
ifNotNil: [ executor signalException: (TimedOut new tag: tag) ].
goOn := false.
] ifFalse: [
1 seconds wait]
]] newProcess.
watcher priority: executor priority + 1.
watcher resume.
executor resume.
semaphorExecutor wait.
self traceCr: 'main resumed at: ', Processor activePriority asString.
self traceCr: Time now print24.] forkAt: Processor activePriority - 1
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