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Last active May 28, 2020 13:57
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| sendPush appId appAuthKey pushProc search packages testPackages tests targetedTests|
appId := 'TODO'.
appAuthKey := 'TODO'.
sendPush := [ :msg | |entity|
entity := STONJSON
{('app_id' -> appId).
('included_segments' -> #(All)).
('contents' -> {('en' -> msg)} asDictionary)} asDictionary.
ZnClient new
url: '';
headerAt: 'Authorization' put: 'Basic ' , appAuthKey;
headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
entity: (ZnEntity with: entity type: ZnMimeType applicationJson);
pushProc := [
1 to: 100 do: [:i | 10 minutes wait. sendPush value: 'Still running '. ]
] newProcess.
pushProc priority: Processor userInterruptPriority.
pushProc name: 'pushProc'.
pushProc resume.
[targetedTests := (((FileLocator imageDirectory / 'todo.txt') readStream upToEnd splitOn: Character lf) reject: #isEmpty) collect: #asClass.
do: [ :t |
SmallAmp initializeDefault
testCase: t;
amplifyEval ]
displayingProgress: [ :t | 'Amplifying ' , t name ].
pushProc terminate.
sendPush value: 'finished: ', search] on: Error do: [:x | pushProc terminate. sendPush value: 'error: ', x description
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