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Created October 14, 2020 14:07
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Save mabdi/78789dbddfb2d0da4114853419dd893d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'From Pharo8.0.0 of 22 January 2020 [Build information: Pharo-8.0.0+build.1124.sha.0932da82f08175e906b0e2a8052120c823374e9f (64 Bit)] on 14 October 2020 at 4:06:48.881327 pm'!
RSChartTest subclass: #RSChartTest374
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'SmallAmpFinalClasses'!
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ self xScale: NSScale symlog` in method: `RSChart >> #xLog`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#xLog#7#35'>
| y c aNSSymLogScale |
y := #(-10 -13 -15).
c := RSChart new.
aNSSymLogScale := c xLog.
self assert:
aNSSymLogScale class equals: NSSymLogScale.
addDecoration: RSYMarkerDecoration new;
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new y: y);
build! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/14/2020 14:01'!
<smallAmpCoveres: 'ReplaceDoBlockWithEmptyBlockOperator#RSChart#yScale:#17#64'>
| x g d c labels aRSChart |
x := {-5 . 0 . 1 . 2}.
g := RSChart new.
d := RSLinePlot new x: x y: x log.
aRSChart := g
addPlot: d;
addDecoration: RSVerticalTick new.
g yRawLog.
aRSChart mustInclude0inY.
self should: [ g build ] raise: AssertionFailure! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ self yScale: NSScale linear` in method: `RSChart >> #yLinear`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#yLinear#10#38'>
| y c aNSLinearScale |
y := #(10 13 15).
c := RSChart new.
aNSLinearScale := c yLinear.
self assert:
aNSLinearScale class equals: NSLinearScale.
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new y: y);
build! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ self xScale: NSScale sqrt` in method: `RSChart >> #xSqrt`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#decorations#71#83'>
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#xSqrt#8#34'>
| x aRSChart aNSPowScale |
x := -10.0 to: 20.0 count: 100.
aRSChart := RSChart new.
aNSPowScale := aRSChart
addPlot: (RSScatterPlot new x: x y: (x raisedTo: 3));
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new x: x y: (x raisedTo: 2));
addDecoration: RSHorizontalTick new;
addDecoration: RSVerticalTick new;
self assert:
aNSPowScale class equals: NSPowScale! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ decorations` in method: `RSChart >> #decorations`
- `^ colors` in method: `RSChart >> #colors`
- `^ plots size` in method: `RSChart >> #numberOfPlots`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#decorations#71#83'>
| x aRSChart |
x := -10.0 to: 20.0 count: 100.
aRSChart := RSChart new.
aRSChart decorations class equals: OrderedCollection;
aRSChart colors class equals: NSOrdinalScale;
aRSChart numberOfPlots equals: 0.
addPlot: (RSScatterPlot new x: x y: (x raisedTo: 3));
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new x: x y: (x raisedTo: 2));
addDecoration: RSHorizontalTick new;
addDecoration: RSVerticalTick new! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ self xScale: NSScale ln` in method: `RSChart >> #xLn`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#decorations#71#83'>
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#xLn#6#30'>
| x aRSChart aNSLnScale |
x := -10.0 to: 20.0 count: 100.
aRSChart := RSChart new.
aNSLnScale := (aRSChart
addPlot: (RSScatterPlot new x: x y: (x raisedTo: 100));
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new x: x y: (x raisedTo: 100));
addDecoration: RSHorizontalTick new) xLn.
self assert:
aNSLnScale class equals: NSLnScale.
aRSChart addDecoration: RSVerticalTick new! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ self yScale: NSScale log` in method: `RSChart >> #yRawLog`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#yRawLog#64#89'>
| y c aNSLogScale |
y := #(-10 -13 -15).
c := RSChart new.
aNSLogScale := (c
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new y: y);
mustInclude0inY) yRawLog.
self assert:
aNSLogScale class equals: NSLogScale.
xLn! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ aScale` in method: `RSChart >> #yScale:`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#decorations#71#83'>
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#yScale:#68#75'>
| x aRSChart aNSPowScale |
x := -10.0 to: 20.0 count: 100.
aRSChart := RSChart new.
aNSPowScale := aRSChart
addPlot: (RSScatterPlot new x: x y: (x raisedTo: 3));
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new x: x y: (x raisedTo: 2));
self assert:
aNSPowScale class equals: NSPowScale.
addDecoration: RSHorizontalTick new;
addDecoration: RSVerticalTick new! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ self xScale: NSScale linear` in method: `RSChart >> #xLinear`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#xLinear#10#38'>
| y c aNSLinearScale |
y := #(10 13 15).
c := RSChart new.
aNSLinearScale := c
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new y: y);
self assert:
aNSLinearScale class equals: NSLinearScale.
c build! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ self yScale: NSScale ln` in method: `RSChart >> #yLn`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#yLn#6#30'>
| y c x aNSLnScale |
y := #(-10 -13 -15).
x := #(4 6 9).
c := RSChart new.
aNSLnScale := c yLn.
self assert:
aNSLnScale class equals: NSLnScale.
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new x: x y: y);
mustInclude0inX) minValueX.
c build! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:35'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ self yScale: NSScale symlog` in method: `RSChart >> #yLog`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#yLog#7#35'>
| y c x aNSSymLogScale |
y := #(-10 -13 -15).
x := #(4 6 9).
c := RSChart new.
aNSSymLogScale := c
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new x: x y: y);
self assert:
aNSSymLogScale class equals: NSSymLogScale.
c build! !
!RSChartTest374 methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/14/2020 14:06'!
"I test correctness of:
- `^ colors scale: aRSPlot` in method: `RSChart >> #colorFor:`
<smallAmpCoveres: 'RemoveCaretOperator#RSChart#colorFor:#103#125'>
| y c x aColor |
y := #(-10 -13 -15).
x := #(4 6 9).
c := RSChart new.
aColor := c
addPlot: (RSLinePlot new x: x y: y);
colorFor: RSLinePlot new.
self assert:
aColor class equals: Color.
maxValueY! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!
RSChartTest374 class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
!RSChartTest374 class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:30'!
| answer |
answer := Set withAll: self testSelectors.
answer addAll: self superclass allTestSelectors.
^ answer asSortedCollection asOrderedCollection! !
!RSChartTest374 class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'Mehrdad 10/9/2020 14:30'!
^ 3 seconds ! !
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