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Created July 2, 2020 11:02
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validate oc deployment
stage('Validate') {
openshift.withCluster(clusterName) {
openshift.withProject("${projectName}") {
def counter = 0
def delay = 10
def maxCounter = 1000
println "Validating deployment of ${appName} in project ${projectName}"
def latestDCVersion = openshift.selector("dc","${appName}").object().status.latestVersion
def rcName = "${appName}-${latestDCVersion}"
while(counter++ <= maxCounter) {
def phase = openshift.selector("rc",rcName).object().metadata.annotations.get('')
if(phase == "Complete"){
println "Deployment Succeeded!"
} else if(phase == "Cancelled"){
error("Deployment Failed")
} else if(counter == maxCounter) {
error("Max Validation Attempts Exceeded. Failed Verifying Application Deployment...")
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