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Created December 26, 2021 01:30
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Connect 4 - Python
from termcolor import colored
class Connect_Four:
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, players: list):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.empty_box = '| |'
self.board = [[self.empty_box for col in range(width)]
for row in range(height)]
self.players = players
self.current_player = self.players[0]
self.filled_columns = [False for i in range(width)] # Keep track of filled columns
print(colored(f"Created {self.width}x{self.height} board.", "blue"))
self.taken_box = '|X|'
self.p1_token = '\x1b[32m☉\x1b[0m'
self.p2_token = '\x1b[33m☉\x1b[0m'
SPACE = " "
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f' Game of Connect Four.\n Size: {self.width}x{self.height}\n Players: {self.players[0]} [GREEN] and {self.players[1]} [YELLOW]'
def print_error(self, error):
print(self.SPACE, colored(error, 'red'))
def display_players(self):
return f"{colored(self.players[0], 'green')} vs {colored(self.players[1], 'yellow')}"
def padding(self):
""" Creates padding between the printed boards in each game loop """
for i in range(5):
def update_current_player(self):
self.current_player = self.players[1] if self.current_player == self.players[0] else self.players[0]
def print_board(self):
""" Prints the game board with column number tags """
print(f"{self.SPACE} {self.display_players()}\n")
tags = ''
for row in self.board:
print(self.SPACE, ''.join(row))
for tag in range(self.width):
tags += f" {str(tag+1)} "
print(self.SPACE, tags)
def check_available(self, column):
Checks if there are any available cells in specified column. Empty cell index is added to list which gets returned after loop finished.
If no available cells, set field in class filled_columns array at given column index to True, which keeps track of full columns.
Returns list of available indices in the column
available = [] # available indices to place the disc
for i in range(self.height):
if self.board[i][column] == self.empty_box:
if len(available) == 0:
self.filled_columns[column] = True
return False
return available
def drop(self, column):
Drops current player's disc in the specified column, given there are available cells. Return if none.
If cells available, disc is added to last available cell; for example, if cells 0-4 are available, disc is placed in cell 4
Taken boxes are initially marked with 'X', but are replaced with coloured player tokens.
available = self.check_available(column)
if not available:
self.ERROR_FULL = f'No spaces left in column {column + 1}.'
token = self.p1_token if self.current_player == self.players[0] else self.p2_token
# self.update_current_player()
row = max(available)
self.board[row][column] = self.taken_box.replace('X', token)
def check_win_horizontal(self):
Checks for winning combination horizontally.
Returns an array containing winning coordinates and the direction, otherwise returns False
win_coords = []
for row in range(self.height-1, -1, -1):
for col in range(self.width-3):
check = self.board[row][col:(col+4)]
win = True if (all(i == f'|{self.p1_token}|' for i in check) or all(i == f'|{self.p2_token}|' for i in check)) else False
if win: #return True
win_coords.append([row, col, col+3])
return win_coords, 'horizontal'
return False
def check_win_vertical(self):
Checks for winning combination vertically.
Returns an array containing winning coordinates and the direction, otherwise returns False
for col in range(self.width):
check = []
for row in self.board:
for i in range(len(check)-3):
if (all(j == f'|{self.p1_token}|' for j in check[i:i+4]) or all(j == f'|{self.p2_token}|' for j in check[i:i+4])):
win_coords.append([col, i, i+3])
return win_coords, 'vertical'
return False
def check_win_diagonal_right(self):
Checks for winning combination diagonally, right /.
Returns an array containing winning coordinates and the direction, otherwise returns False
win_coords = []
for row in range(self.height-1, 2, -1):
for col in range(0, self.width-3):
check = []
for i in range(4):
if all(i == f'|{self.p1_token}|' for i in check) or all(i == f'|{self.p2_token}|' for i in check):
win_coords = []
for i in range(4):
win_coords.append([row-i, col+i])
return win_coords, 'diagonal_right'
return False
def check_win_diagonal_left(self):
Checks for winning combination diagonally, left \.
Returns an array containing winning coordinates and the direction, otherwise returns False
win_coords = []
for row in range(self.height-1, 2, -1):
for col in range(self.width-1, 2, -1):
check = []
for i in range(4):
if all(i == f'|{self.p1_token}|' for i in check) or all(i == f'|{self.p2_token}|' for i in check):
win_coords = []
for i in range(4):
win_coords.append([row-i, col-i])
return win_coords, 'diagonal_left'
return False
def check_win(self):
Uses defined win-checking functions. Each function returns either False (if no win) or iterable containing winning coordinates, and the direction.
If return is the iterable, pass into change_colour function to change colours.
Returns True if win, else switches current player and returns False
h = self.check_win_horizontal()
v = self.check_win_vertical()
d_r = self.check_win_diagonal_right()
d_l = self.check_win_diagonal_left()
if v:
self.change_color(v[0], v[1])
return True
if h:
self.change_color(h[0], h[1])
return True
if d_r:
for i in range(0, 4):
self.change_color(d_r[0][i], d_r[1])
return True
if d_l:
for i in range(4):
self.change_color(d_l[0][i], d_l[1])
return True
return False
def change_color(self, coords, direction):
""" Change the colour of winning player's discs at passed coordinates, in the direction specified """
if direction == 'diagonal_right' or direction == 'diagonal_left':
self.board[coords[0]][coords[1]] = '|\x1b[31m☉\x1b[0m|'
c = coords[0][0] # Row or Column index
start = coords[0][1] # index of starting row/col
end = coords[0][2] # index of ending row/col
for i in range(start, end + 1):
if direction == 'horizontal':
self.board[c][i] = '|\x1b[31m☉\x1b[0m|'
if direction == 'vertical':
self.board[i][c] = '|\x1b[31m☉\x1b[0m|'
def play(self):
if self.width < 4 or self.height < 4:
self.print_error('Board must be at least 4x4')
if not len(self.players) == 2:
self.print_error('Number of players must be equal to 2.')
print('\n********** CONNECT FOUR **********')
while True:
valid_input = False
print(f'\nTurn: {self.current_player}')
# Validate if input is integer
while not (valid_input):
inp = input(f'\nSpecify column to place disc (1-{self.width}): ')
if inp == 'exit': return
inp = int(inp) # convert to integer
if inp in range(1, self.width+1):
valid_input = True
self.print_error('Number out of range.')
self.print_error('Wrong input format.')
# Input valid, continue...
self.drop(inp - 1)
if self.check_win():
print(f'\n{self.SPACE} {self.current_player} has won!')
return True
if all(self.filled_columns):
self.print_error('GAME OVER - DRAW')
return False
if self.ERROR_FULL:
self.ERROR_FULL = ''
class Player:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{}'
p1 = Player('Jack')
p2 = Player('Bob')
game = Connect_Four(5, 7, [p1, p2])
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