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Forked from BenNeise/ConvertTo-Markdown.ps1
Last active July 22, 2024 22:20
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Converts a PowerShell object to a Markdown table.
Converts a PowerShell object to a Markdown table.
$data | ConvertTo-Markdown
Function ConvertTo-Markdown {
Param (
Mandatory = $true,
Position = 0,
ValueFromPipeline = $true
Begin {
$items = @()
$columns = @{}
Process {
ForEach($item in $collection) {
$items += $item
$item.PSObject.Properties | %{
if(-not $columns.ContainsKey($_.Name) -or $columns[$_.Name] -lt $_.Value.ToString().Length) {
$columns[$_.Name] = $_.Value.ToString().Length
End {
ForEach($key in $($columns.Keys)) {
$columns[$key] = [Math]::Max($columns[$key], $key.Length)
$header = @()
ForEach($key in $columns.Keys) {
$header += ('{0,-' + $columns[$key] + '}') -f $key
$header -join ' | '
$separator = @()
ForEach($key in $columns.Keys) {
$separator += '-' * $columns[$key]
$separator -join ' | '
ForEach($item in $items) {
$values = @()
ForEach($key in $columns.Keys) {
$values += ('{0,-' + $columns[$key] + '}') -f $item.($key)
$values -join ' | '
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How do you get it to order the columns in the order they are added. So for example: Get-Process | Select Name, Path, Company | ConvertTo-Markdown should have the columns in order Name, Path, Company rather than Path, Name, Company

Use the ordered dictionary and change "ContainsKey" to "Contains"

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kris6673 commented Jul 22, 2024

For anyone that stumbles upon this in the future, I modified the function to do the following extra things

  • Handle null values
  • Be an ordered list, so the properties will be listed in the order they are in the PS object
  • Add | before and after each line, to comply with markdownlint rules
  • Converted it to use generic lists instead of += for a lot more speed on large objects

Hope it helps someone!

Function ConvertTo-Markdown {
    Param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

    Begin {
        $items = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]]::new()
        $columns = [ordered]@{}

    Process {
        ForEach ($item in $collection) {

            $item.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
                if ($null -ne $_.Value ) {
                    if (-not $columns.Contains($_.Name) -or $columns[$_.Name] -lt $_.Value.ToString().Length) {
                        $columns[$_.Name] = $_.Value.ToString().Length
                } else {
                    # Add the property to the columns, even if it's empty. If this is not done, the property will be missing from the output if it's null in all the values in the collection
                    $columns[$_.Name] = ' '

    End {
        foreach ($key in $($columns.Keys)) {
            $columns[$key] = [Math]::Max($columns[$key], $key.Length)

        $header = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]]::new()
        foreach ($key in $columns.Keys) {
            $header.Add((('{0,-' + $columns[$key] + '}') -f $key))
        # Make markdown header row
        Write-Output "| $($header -join ' | ') |"

        $separator = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]]::new()
        foreach ($key in $columns.Keys) {
            $separator.Add(('-' * $columns[$key]))
        # Make markdown separator row
        Write-Output "| $($separator -join ' | ')  |"

        foreach ($item in $items) {
            $values = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]]::new()
            foreach ($key in $columns.Keys) {
                $values.Add((('{0,-' + $columns[$key] + '}') -f $item.($key)))
            # Make all the values into a table rows
            Write-Output "| $($values -join ' | ') |"

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