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Created July 12, 2012 08:15
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Jquery plugin for adding and removing nested records (Rails accepts nested attributes for)
<!-- Sorry, this example is with formtastic but I think it would work the same with vanilla rails form helpers -->
<%= semantic_form_for @survey do |form| %>
<fieldset class="nested_models answers" data-association="answers">
<%- %>
<%= form.semantic_fields_for :answers do |answer| %>
<%- record = answer.object %>
<fieldset class="<%= record.new_record? ? :new : nil %>">
<%= answer.input :text, required: false %>
<%= answer.input :_destroy, as: :boolean %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to t('.add_answer'), '#', :class => 'add_record', :style => 'display:none' %>
<%= form.buttons do %>
<%= form.commit_button %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
// macario ortega
// mit licence
$.fn.nestedAssociationsChangeId = function(association, newId){
$(this).find('[id], [for], [name]').each(function(){
var tag = $(this);
$.each(['id', 'for', 'name'], function(index, attribute){
var value = tag.attr(attribute);
if (value && attribute == 'name') {
var matcher = new RegExp('\\[' + association + '_attributes\\]\\[\\d+\\]');
tag.attr(attribute, value.replace(matcher, '[' + association + '_attributes][' + newId + ']'));
} else if (value) {
var matcher = new RegExp(association + '_attributes_\\d+');
tag.attr(attribute, value.replace(matcher, association + '_attributes_' + newId));
$.fn.nestedAssociations = function(opts){
var self = $(this);
var associationFieldset = self;
var settings = {
add : $.noop,
remove : $.noop
if (opts) { $.extend(settings, opts); }
var destroyLink = $('<a href="#" class="remove-associated-record">').text($(this).text());{
$(this).siblings('input').attr('value', '1');
return false;
return associationFieldset.each(function(){
var container = $(this);
var association = container.attr('data-association');
var template = container.children('').last().detach();
var cleanTemplate = template.clone(true);
var association = $(this).attr('data-association');
$(this).nestedAssociationsChangeId(association, new Date().getTime());
return false;
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