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Created August 1, 2013 03:15
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Python script to prefix all class and javascript files for bootstrap (version 3 supported)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, re
import os.path
""" The CSS classname/namespace prefix to prepend to all Bootstrap CSS classes """
# Not all CSS classes that are referenced in JavaScript are actually defined in the CSS script.
# This list allows the JavaScript prefix algorithm to recognize these "extra" classes
# Note: regex uses semi-Python-specific \n (newline) character
#CSS_CLASS_REGEX = re.compile(r'\.([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\w*)(?=[^\{,\n\}\(]*[\{,])') # e.g: .classname {
CSS_CLASS_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?<!progid:DXImageTransform)(?<!progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft)(?!\.png)\.([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\w*)(?=[^\{,\n]*[\{,])') # e.g: .classname {
CSS_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\[\s*class\s*[~|*^]?=\s*"\s*)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\w*)(")(?=[^\{,\n\}]*[\{,])') # e.g: [class~="someclass-"]
JS_CSS_CLASS_REGEX_TEMPLATE = r"""(?<!(.\.on|\.off))(\(['"][^'"]*\.)(%s)([^'"]*['"]\))"""
JS_JQUERY_REGEX_TEMPLATE = r"""((addClass|removeClass|hasClass|toggleClass)\(['"])(%s)(['"])"""
JS_JQUERY_REGEX_TEMPLATE_VAR = r"""((addClass|removeClass|hasClass|toggleClass)\()([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\))"""
JS_JQUERY_REGEX_TEMPLATE_LIST = r"""((addClass|removeClass|hasClass|toggleClass)\(\[)([^\]]*)(\])"""
JS_JQUERY_REGEX_STRING_MULTIPLE = re.compile(r"""((addClass|removeClass|hasClass|toggleClass)\(['"]\s*)(([^'"\s]+\s+)+[^'"]+)(\s*['"]\))""") # e.g: removeClass('fade in top bottom')
# Regex for the conditional/more tricky add/remove/hasClass calls in the bootstrap.js source
JS_JQUERY_CONDITIONAL_REGEX_TEMPLATE = r"""((addClass|removeClass|hasClass|toggleClass)'\]\(['"])(%s)(['"])""" # e.g: ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('someclass')
JS_JQUERY_INLINE_IF_CONDITION_REGEX_TEMPLATE = r"""(\)\s*\?\s*['"])(%s)(['"]\s*:\s*['"]{2})"""
# Regex for certain jquery selectors that might have been missed by the previous regexes
JS_JQUERY_SELECTOR_REGEX_TEMPLATE = r"""(:not\(\.)(%s)(\))"""
JS_INLINE_HTML_REGEX_TEMPLATE = r"""(class="[^"]*)(?<=\s|")(%s)(?=\s|")"""
# Some edge cases aren't easy to fix using generic regexes because of potential clashes with non-CSS code
JS_EDGE_CASE_1_TEMPLATE = r"""(this\.\$element\[\s*\w+\s*\]\(['"]\s*)(%s)(['"]\s*\))"""
def processCss(cssFilename):
""" Adds the CSS_CLASS_PREFIX to each CSS class in the specified CSS file """
print('Processing CSS file:', cssFilename)
f = open(cssFilename)
except IOError:
print(' Failed to open file; skipping:', cssFilename)
css =
processedFilename = cssFilename[:-4] + '.prefixed.css'
f = open(processedFilename, 'w')
processedCss = CSS_CLASS_REGEX.sub(r'.%s\1' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, css)
processedCss = CSS_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_REGEX.sub(r'\1%s\2\3' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, processedCss)
print(' Prefixed CSS file written as:', processedFilename)
def collectCssClassnames(cssFilename):
""" Returns a set of all the CSS class names in the specified CSS file """
print('Collecting CSS classnames from file:', cssFilename)
f = open(cssFilename)
except IOError:
print(' Failed to open file; skipping:', cssFilename)
css =
classes = set(CSS_CLASS_REGEX.findall(css))
# The "popover-inner" class is referred to in javascript, but not the CSS files - force prefixing for consistency
return classes
def processJs(jsFilename, cssClassNames):
""" Adds the CSS_CLASS_PREFIX to each CSS class in the specified JavaScript file.
Requires a list of CSS classes (to avoid confusion between custom events and CSS classes, etc)
print("Processing JavaScript file:", jsFilename)
f = open(jsFilename)
except IOError:
print(' Failed to open file; skipping:', jsFilename)
regexClassNamesAlternatives = '|'.join(cssClassNames)
js =
jsCssClassRegex = re.compile(JS_CSS_CLASS_REGEX_TEMPLATE % regexClassNamesAlternatives)
# Replace CSS classes iteratively to ensure all classes are modified (my regex isn't clever enough to do this in one pass only)
modJs = jsCssClassRegex.sub(r'\2%s\3\4' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
while modJs != js:
js = modJs
modJs = jsCssClassRegex.sub(r'\2%s\3\4' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
js = modJs
del modJs
# JQuery has/add/removeClass calls
jqueryCssClassRegex = re.compile(JS_JQUERY_REGEX_TEMPLATE % regexClassNamesAlternatives)
js = jqueryCssClassRegex.sub(r'\1%s\3\4' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
jqueryCssClassRegex = re.compile(JS_JQUERY_REGEX_TEMPLATE_VAR)
js = jqueryCssClassRegex.sub(r"\1'%s'+\3\4" % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
# List/array of variables or string literals
jqueryCssClassRegex = re.compile(JS_JQUERY_REGEX_TEMPLATE_LIST)
match =
while match:
listStr =
items = listStr.split(',')
processed = []
for rawItem in items:
item = rawItem.strip()
if item[0] in ("'", '"'): # string literal
item = item[0] + CSS_CLASS_PREFIX + item[1:]
else: # variable
item = "'%s'+%s" % (CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, item)
newList = ','.join(processed)
js = js[0:match.start(3)] + newList + js[match.end(3):]
match =, match.start(3)+len(newList))
# Modify multiple CSS classes that are referenced in a single string
match =
while match:
newList = ' '.join(['%s%s' % (CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, item) if item in cssClassNames else item for item in' ')])
js = js = js[0:match.start(3)] + newList + js[match.end(3):]
match =, match.start(3)+len(newList))
# In-line conditional JQuery has/add/removeClass calls
jqueryCssClassRegex = re.compile(JS_JQUERY_CONDITIONAL_REGEX_TEMPLATE % regexClassNamesAlternatives)
js = jqueryCssClassRegex.sub(r'\1%s\3\4' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
# In-line if conditional structures
jqueryCssClassRegex = re.compile(JS_JQUERY_INLINE_IF_CONDITION_REGEX_TEMPLATE % regexClassNamesAlternatives)
js = jqueryCssClassRegex.sub(r'\1%s\2\3' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
# Some sepcific jquery selectors that might have been missed
jqueryCssClassRegex = re.compile(JS_JQUERY_SELECTOR_REGEX_TEMPLATE % regexClassNamesAlternatives)
js = jqueryCssClassRegex.sub(r'\1%s\2\3' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
jqueryCssClassRegex = re.compile(JS_INLINE_HTML_REGEX_TEMPLATE % regexClassNamesAlternatives)
# Replace inline-HTML CSS classes iteratively to ensure all classes are modified (my regex isn't clever enough to do this in one pass only)
modJs = jqueryCssClassRegex.sub(r'\1%s\2' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
while modJs != js:
js = modJs
modJs = jqueryCssClassRegex.sub(r'\1%s\2' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
js = modJs
del modJs
# Finally, process some edge cases/exceptions which cannot be easily handled by more generic regexes
jsEdgeCase1Regex = re.compile(JS_EDGE_CASE_1_TEMPLATE % regexClassNamesAlternatives)
js = jsEdgeCase1Regex.sub(r'\1%s\2\3' % CSS_CLASS_PREFIX, js)
# Write the output file
processedFilename = jsFilename[:-3] + '.prefixed.js'
f = open(processedFilename, 'w')
print(' Prefixed JavaScript file written as:', processedFilename)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: %s <bootstrap_top_dir>' % sys.argv[0])
bsTopDir = sys.argv[1]
cssClassNames = None
for cssFile in ('bootstrap.css', 'bootstrap.min.css'):
cssFilePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bsTopDir, 'css', cssFile))
if cssClassNames == None:
cssClassNames = collectCssClassnames(cssFilePath)
if cssClassNames != None:
for jsFile in ('bootstrap.js', 'bootstrap.min.js'):
jsFilePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bsTopDir, 'js', jsFile))
processJs(jsFilePath, cssClassNames)
print('Failed to collect CSS class names - cannot modify JavaScript source files as a result')
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