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Last active April 14, 2022 13:48
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  • Save macaullyjames/b5770502beed2a6fb972278a3ff02182 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save macaullyjames/b5770502beed2a6fb972278a3ff02182 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
filetype plugin on
set nu
syntax on
set sw=2
set ts=2
set ai
set et
set clipboard=unnamed
alias gl="git log --oneline"
alias gl1="git log --oneline -n1"
alias gl2="git log --oneline -n2"
alias gl3="git log --oneline -n3"
alias gl4="git log --oneline -n4"
alias gl5="git log --oneline -n5"
alias gl10="git log --oneline -n10"
alias gs="git status --short"
alias ga="git add"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gc="git commit"
alias gco="git checkout"
alias gd="git diff"
alias gdc="git diff --cached"
alias gdn="git diff --name-only"
alias gds="git diff --stat"
alias gp="git push"
alias gpu="git pull"
alias gst="git stash"
alias gsp="git stash pop"
alias gso="git show"
export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
export HISTFILESIZE=1000000
export HISTSIZE=1000000
export EDITOR=vim
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
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