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Forked from varokas/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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let constant = "Constant cannot be changed"
var variable = "Variable can be changed later"

var x,y: Int
let x = 0, y = 0


let i:Int = -1
let u:UInt = 99

let s:String = "A String"

let f:Float = 1.2
let d:Double = 6.7
let d = 6.7 //inferred to Double

let b:Boolean = true

let convert:Int = Int(1.2)

typealias Celcius = Int


var s: String?
s = "needle"
s = nil

let forced: String = s!

if let forced = s {
} else {
  println("not found")

let forced:String = s ?? "default value" //if (s == nil) use default value


let p1 = (1,2)
let p2 = (x:1, y:2)

let (x1,y1) = p1
let (x1,_) = p1
let x1 = p1.0, y1 = p1.1

let x = p2.x, y= p2.y


let str = "a string"

let emptyStr = String()
let stringSize = countElements(str)
let isEmpty = emptyStr.isEmpty

let c:Character = "a"
let charAt:Character = Array(str)[2]
for c in "string" {

let concat = "a" + "b"
let interpolation = "Value is \(str)"
let compare = (str == "another")

let text = "hello, world"
let worldSubString = text[advance(text.startIndex, 7)..<advance(text.endIndex, 0)]


var colors = [String]()
var colors:[String] = []
var colors:[String] = ["red","green","blue"]

colors += ["yellow"]
colors += ["orange", "purple"]
colors.insert("cyan", atIndex: 1)
colors[0...1] = ["brown", "gray"] //Three dots

let aColor = colors[0]
let subColors = colors[1...2] //Three dots


for color in colors {
for (index, color) in enumerate(colors) {


var capitals:[String:String] = ["France":"Paris", "Thailand": "Bangkok"]
var capitals = [String:String]()
var capitals:[String:String] = [:]

let cap:String = capitals["Thailand"]! //Dereferece to optionals

cap["England"] = "London" //add
cap["Thailand"] = nil //remove

let keys = [String](dict.keys)
let values = [String](dict.values)

for (key,value) in dict {


enum direction {
  case North, South, East, West

enum winnerOrder {
  case first = 1, second, third, fourth, fifth

switch direction {
case .North:
  println("Going North")
  println("Going someplace else!")


for i in 1..10 {
for var i = 1; i<=10; i++ {


let point = (1,1)
switch point {
  case (let x, 0): println("point on x with displacement of \(x)")
  case (0, _): println("point on y")
  case (1..5, 1..5): println("point within bounds")
  case let (x,y) where x == y: println("point is on line")
  case let (x,y): println("point out of bounds at \(x), \(y)")


func getBounds(numbers:[Int] = []) -> (lower: Int, upper:Int) {

func varArgs(numbers:Int...) {

func variableParameter(var i:Int) {
  //i can be changed, but no effect on the caller
func inoutParameter(inout i:Int) {
  //i can be changed, with effect on caller

//External parameters
func findDistance(aPoint p1: Point, anotherPoint p2: Point) -> [Double] {
func findDistance(#aPoint: Point, #anotherPoint: Point) -> [Double] {

Functional Programming

let animals = ["fish", "cat", "elephant", "dog", "minion"]
let sortedAnimals = animals.sorted { (first, second) in first > second }
sortedAnimals = animals.sorted { $0 > $1 } // $0 and $1 mean first and second params respectively

// First class and Higher order function
func isEven(number: Int) -> Bool {
  return number % 2 == 0

let evenCheckFunction = isEven
let odds = Array(1...10).filter(!isEven)
odds = Array(1...10).filter { (number) in number % 2 != 0 }
odds = Array(1...10).filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }


// Protocol Conforming
class Dog: Walkable, Barkable {

// Protocol Declaration
protocol Walkable {
  var legs: Int { get set } // Property requirement
  func walk() -> String // Method requirement

// any methods in any protocol is required you must use @objc to create an optional protocol requirement like this
@objc protocol Barkable {
  // class or struct that conform this protocol can implement this method or not
  optional func bark() -> String 


//Single Line
/* Multiple line
   comment */

Code Organizer

# MARK: UITableView DataSource and Delegate
# TODO: I will do it later, I promise.
# FIXME: Could anyone refactor this ?
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