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Created January 12, 2016 14:57
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Comparing ReactiveCocoa with RxSwift
/* RAC*/
let userNameStrings = userNameTextfield
.map { text in text as! String }
let passwordStrings = passwordTextfield.rac_textSignal()
.map { password in password as! String }
let signal = zip(userNameStrings, passwordStrings)
signal.startWithNext { (un, pw) in self.submitButton.enabled = (un.characters.count > 0) && (pw.characters.count > 0) }
//Or ?
.subscribeNext { _ in self.userNameTextfield.backgroundColor = self.userNameTextfield.validate() }
.subscribeNext { _ in self.passwordTextfield.backgroundColor = self.passwordTextfield.validate() }
/*RxSwift */
.map{ "Hello " + $0 }
.throttle(0.5, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.subscribeNext { self.greetingLabel.text = $0 }
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