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Created January 31, 2014 15:56
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Save macdrifter/8734840 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sublime Text method for use with the TaskPaper format. Function to display list of all projects and allow jumping to one from the list.
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re
# For use with the TaskPaper format. Function to display list of all projects and allow jumping to one from the list.
class ListProjectsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
self.markers = []
self.view.find_all(r'^\s*(\w+.+:\s*(\@[^\s]+(\(.*?\))?\s*)*$\n?)|^\s*---.{3,5}---+$', 0, "$1", self.markers)
self.view.window().show_quick_panel(self.markers, self.goto_project, sublime.MONOSPACE_FONT)
def goto_project(self, choice):
if choice == -1:
findmarker = self.markers[choice]
# re.escape escapes a single quote. That breaks the Sublime find function.
# Need to substitute escaped single quote with just single quote
findmarker = findmarker.replace("{", "\{").replace("}", "\}").replace("[", "\[").replace("]", "\]").replace("(", "\(").replace(")", "\)").replace("+", "\+")
pt = self.view.find(findmarker, 0)
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