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Created October 1, 2023 23:49
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A VERY simple dependency injection example
A VERY basic dependency injection experiment.
This does not have to make sense to everyone ;).
from os import environ
from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable
from pydantic import BaseSettings
##### MY DI #####
# can be done in a class as well if preferred
my_di_registry: dict[str, any] = {}
class DiAble(Protocol):
def construct(cls):
# convention for "complex" constructors
def d(func_name: str):
return my_di_registry[func_name]
except IndexError as e:
raise Exception(f"Got no instance for {func_name}") from e
def di_register(cls: DiAble) -> DiAble:
instance = cls.construct() if hasattr(cls, "construct") else cls()
my_di_registry[cls.__name__] = instance
return cls
##### The App #####
class MyBaseClass(DiAble):
my_state: dict
def __init__(self, settings: BaseSettings):
self.settings = settings
def construct(cls):
return cls()
def my_shared_logic(self, param1):
def run(self):
class GetMeLazy:
def lazy(self):
return "lazy"
class SettingsOne(BaseSettings):
class SettingsAnother(BaseSettings):
class SpecificClassA(MyBaseClass):
def construct(cls):
return cls(d("SettingsOne"))
def doing_something(self, something=d("GetMeLazy")):
return something
def run(self):
very = self.doing_something()
class SpecificClassB(MyBaseClass):
def construct(cls):
return cls(d("SettingsAnother"))
##### Run It #####
def get_settings() -> str:
return environ.get("MY_SELECTOR") # or use a cli param instead
class MyRunner:
# A context manager, because we can
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __call__(self, transport: MyBaseClass):
self.transport = transport
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# do cleanup here
def main():
transport_to_choose = get_settings()
transport_runner = MyRunner()
with transport_runner(d(transport_to_choose)) as tr:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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