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Created May 7, 2011 11:29
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var MultiHashResult = function( tags ){
var d, self, _onLoad, _onComplete, _reset ;
self = this;
d = {
api : "",
callback : null,
tags : null,
loaded : 0,
results : null,
tweets : null,
ids : null
this.type = "MultiHashResult";
this.setTags = function( tags ){
d.tags = tags;
this.setCallback = function( callback ){
d.callback = callback;
this.load = function(){
$.each( d.tags, function( i, tag ){
var url = d.api + "?" + $.param({ q : "#" + tag, rpp : 50 });
url : url,
dataType : "jsonp",
success : _onLoad
this.getTweets = function(){
return d.tweets;
_reset = function(){
d.loaded = 0;
d.results = [];
d.tweets = [];
d.ids = [];
_onLoad = function( data, status ){
d.loaded ++;
d.results.push( data.results );
if( d.loaded === d.tags.length ){
_onComplete = function(){
$.each( d.results, function( i, r ){
$.each( r, function( i, t ){
if( $.inArray( t.id_str, d.ids ) >= 0 ){ return; }
d.ids.push( t.id_str );
d.tweets.push( t );
d.tweets.sort( function( a, b ){
return <
if( d.callback ){
d.callback( self );
this.setTags( tags );
* Test code
var mh = new MultiHashResult(
["cookingsongs", "mamasays"]
mh.setCallback( function( m ){
var tweets = m.getTweets();
$.each( tweets, function( i, t ){
console.log( t.text );
* 差分を取ってこれるreload()メソッドを追加しよう
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